About a year ago I had a discussion with an Australian friend of mine on gun violence. Now I think everyone knows that America is famous for the gun violence in its country, but he was acting like coming here was a death sentence. So I did the math, and it was actually quite informative. The main reason Australia had such a small amount of mass shootings compared to America was the population size, or the population was certainly a factor. There was .9 mass shootings in Australia a year, and America was 13x larger than Australia (I believe, if memory serves). If we made America have the same population as Australia, then America would have 2.2 mass shootings a year, which granted, is still worse. But not nearly as horrifying as people think, and many European countries have that kind of statistic. Edit: I think the main reason the deaths are so massive is because this is the 3rd largest country in the world, in regards to population. Though that doesn't excuse gun violence, it's just a factor. [quote=@Penny] Mockery is always an appropriate response to hateful stupidity. The threat of homicide isn't armor. [/quote] ^^^ I believe censoring humor for threat of violence would be similar to say, censoring speech to not trigger people, if we're talking left wing satire vs right wing opinions on the matter. [@Andreyich]Just want you to know I'm not saying you're left or right wing, I meant anyone opposed to it.