[@RumikoOhara] [color=f26522][h2][center]HK[/center][/h2][/color] Did she love herself? HK did feel good about herself and her skills, but did she truly love herself as much as Trish did? But yet, no matter how proud she felt about her skills or her body, she often wondered what others thought. Did she really feel proud of herself? She often found herself bashful about her size, always standing a head above other girls and some of the guys and sticking out like a sore thumb. HK put her drink down, pondering this. But as Trish whispered in her ear, the large succubus flushed red. [i][color=f26522]She's so close to me![/color][/i] [color=f26522]"Er... That's not an image I want in my head... The emporer and Luke doing it...[/color] She said, saying the first words that came to mind.