[@Necroes] That's a heartfelt post. I'll try to respond with one. You seem like a kinda wild, positive and imaginative guy(?) those are all good qualities. I however only share imaginative of those. Ok i try to be positive, but it's hard. You are also a bit a bit of a rebel in your style. I have a friend IRL who is a rebel at heart. He's really fun to hang out with since we share a lot of hobbies and ideas. But i can't hang with him too much since i'd be overrun with all his energy. But it's really fun in dozes. :D I think you like worldbuilding. And that's really cool. I love worldbuilding myself. But i don't think anyone going into a 40k rp expects worldbuilding. They are setting themselves up for some action in a evil future full of possibilities. Many which are bad. So here comes a guy who's all like "Eyyy! Let's change up the playing field a little! Why we not just bend the rules a bit!" And people are confused and feel a bit annoyed, since here we have come and decided to play some 40k, which is a very defined and old setting. Sure, it has seen a bunch of revisions but most of the dramatic ones have happened very early and very late in its lifetime. Most think of 40k with this in between kind of way. And the lore is actually mostly straightforward there. So we come in with a mindset, to play within the box, then you Necroes comes along and suggest that the east wall, it's a bit boring, let's cut away half of it. And people are like "Wait, what?" and it goes on from there. So where most of us are considering which of the balls of backstory really fits in the box, the red ball or green ball. Since one needs to decide since both of those pieces of fluff are mutually exclusive, the whole cutting up the box is a bit too crazy. How are the balls gonna stay inside? If one is making a crossover, go nuts. Rip the box apart. I've had fun like that myself, with my battle brother Aurellius rp on the grey knights forum. http://greyknights.forumotion.com/t3517-battle-brother-aurellius?highlight=aurellius It's crazy, lore be damned and let's have stupid fun. So i think you play better with more world building, where all rules have not been defined. Or you just dislike rules overall. Regardless, you wondered what i'd do in your place. I join an RP, check out the backstory and make a character i think would be fun. I bend a little with the rules since that is fun. (Heck, just look at Zuriel.) And make a really cool character i want to play. He's got magic, and a cool gun, or whatever. The character isn't disapproved from the beginning, since i know what happens if one of my characters is disapproved from the beginning. If the character isn't ok, no changing it. It will burn. Either i make a new character, or i leave the rp. IRL i've always made new characters since i want to play with my groups. But this time, i've not been disapproved, which means my character was alright! I mean, all the info was there to begin with, this character is ok in this rp! So i go nuts, do the epic things i've planned to do. It's cool to write how awesome my character is. [hider=Small complaint to GM] If the character wasn't ok, why was it approved. I myself prefer to have my character nuked before we start if it isn't ok. But you might have thought it would be fine. Which i can understand. [/hider] But then, other players come along and say -"You can't do that, it's not ok with lore." Mostly when this happens, i don't know the lore. Since i'm too lazy to read up on all the lore beforehand. And here the big difference in our personalities comes in. Either, i try to go more with the lore. It's not ok after all. Or i go -"Well, if i do it like this. Is it ok then?" But if the players are like, NOPE. Stick to lore. What you are doing isn't allowed, do it right or not at all. (Which is basically what we're on here.) I'd be really bummed out, think i did wrong and blame myself. After all it's always my fault and i leave, possibly sad. But you don't leave. You don't let people let you down. Or something. I actually don't see where you are coming from, since i as a person isn't like that. I also have aspergers which means it's a bit troublesome to think from others perspectives. Unless i have studied it before. Since i don't naturally figure out how i should react in such a situation. I don't know the correct way. Or i have decided "This is the correct way." And will stick with it to death. I won't understand others views if they just state it. I've rambled, i do that. So, i think what people are more like is the question. "Necroes, no we don't dislike you. But you can't cut up our cardboard play castle to build a spaceship. We are playing knights now. Either you come inside and play knights with us and argue like us on what sort of balls we should throw at each other. Or come another time and then we might be playing spaceship." I think the metaphor works. I think.... Anyway. Don't feel like i dislike you, i've actually agreed with you on several occasions and tried to be non-anal on my view on 40k. Tried, perhaps not succeeded mind you. So Necroes. Do you wanna play knights with us? :P Otherwise we can build a spaceship some other time, it's probably gonna be fun!