Riza smiled, feeling better about this especially Robin being able to help her with getting into the the cameras they would have around. Though her idea still sounded nice. Granted too much time to make and right now there was no time really. At least there wouldn't be much demanding work and get yelled for. "As you can see I'm not the best at helping name's so I leave that to you guys." This got a raised brow from Conner and Wally and a giggle from Megaan. Wally looked thoughtful. Well this sounds like a place I shouldn't waltz into. If powers arent allowed im at a huge disadvange, and that just won't do." Wally commented as he shook his head in disapproval of such a disadvantage. Now Conner on the other hand rolled his eyes at Wally's comment. Riza snickered but nodded. "Cool. Can use an extra pair of eyes. If that's okay." Wally nodded then. "Alright. I don't mind." He said with a small cheeky grin. Conner looked to Wolf with a raised brow. "Like what?" He asked, not even sure what to call himself. Granted not even use to this kind of mission still. Riza seemed thoughtful for a moment though seemed to let it be. Wally seemed to be thinking as well as Megaan. "Oh! Ironhide! How about that?" Riza suddenly thought aloud. She grinned cheekily feeling a little excited.