[right][h2]Guilt //[/h2][/right] [right][@Regitnui][/right] Guilt scoffed. So her punishment was to sit through more of the man's melodramatic ramblings? "My task is to protect innocents. And I will work night and day to protect the innocent people of this city from harm. I will slay any beast that invades it, and any Epic or Freak who dares disturb the peace. Whether it aids you or not, I will continue to serve the mission I was given." Guilt looked around the box she had been locked in. "How about this. Prove to me that you're more than talk with this chatter of saving the city. It would be easy for you to locate and annihilate the Kryptonites. Those people have been killing innocents across the city for their insane ideology. If you are even nearly as interested as you claim to be in the welfare of your citizens, then deal with them. With the Kryptonites gone this city will be a far safer place." Of course, there was no way the Island would grant this request. If the High had any intention of cleaning up Epic City then they would have done so a long time ago, instead of allowing crime to run rampant in the streets. Whatever goals or plans they had did not include enforcing Epic City's laws, or at least not personally. "So? Either prove your offer is a serious one, or let me go. If you have the time to hold me here then you have the time to fix this city. But I have no patience for people who refuse to act on their statements." Crossing her arms Guilt waited for what would happen, uncertain of what to expect.