[center][h1][color=a2d39c]Gerard Connolly[/color][/h1] [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/a4025cb57c859aec94ba0b46541e40c1/tumblr_ntwh6wJUbc1ube2bso4_400.gif[/img] [hr] [color=a2d39c]Location:[/color] Wyndham Manor, Stables [hr] [/center] [color=a2d39c]Aye, that's right. Miss Millie would need that."[/color] Gerard nodded, he believes it would be good to keep Millie away from all this for a while. It would be best to give her a time to heal herself and it wouldnt do any good if she's cooped up here in the manor, only to be reminded of the terrible things that happened. What better place could be for one to find the solace than in the home grew up in. He would know, every once in a while Gerard wished to come home to his mother. He had missed the smell of the country, the rhythmic breeze made by the trees, his mother's cooking. He would have to one day, if he had the courage to face them after his brothers' death. By the time the carriage who was carrying Millicent went off, and by Emma's grating demand Gerard helped the rest of the servants to end the night. Emma was very much like her mother, still he could see that Millie cares for her as she would with Jane. He would understand that she herself could be dealing with a lot of stress right now. By what little he had heard from Almacks, anyone could at least be left in a tensed state. After all she had lost a sister, her mother almost. He has no love for Madam Elizabeth but his prayers are with her. And to the rest of the family. As he was almost off to his quarters, a carriage arrived to finally have Jane's body be sent away from the house. Gerard just watched from afar the stables. This day had been terrible indeed. A lot of things had happened in just a span of a day, nobody had expected something like this to happen. It would be a difficult night for Gerard to get some proper sleep no matter how exhausted he is. His mind will keep him awake on thoughts of Millie, only finding the comfort of seeing her again in the morning.