[hider=Anya] [right][h2][b][color=red][u]A+ [/u][/color][/b][/h2][/right] 1. Favorite color? [indent][color=pink][i][b]Pink![/b] I am a girly girl after all. [/i][/color][/indent] 2. If you were an animal, what animal would you be? [indent][color=pink][i]Some big bird of prey. [/i][/color][/indent] 3. If you lived on earth, what would your nationality be? [indent][color=pink][i]Earthian??? I dunno, where is this earth? [/i][/color][/indent] 4. Sexual orientation? [indent][color=pink][i] Too complex for you to handle. [sub][b]xoxo[/b][/sub] [/i][/color][/indent] 5. What do you look for in a member of the preferred sex? [indent][color=pink][i]A big... Wallet [/i][/color][/indent] 6. Favorite video game? [indent][color=pink][i]VR taverns & shoot 'em up's.[/i][/color][/indent] 7. You're trapped on a deserted island. You can bring one tool to help you survive. What do you choose? [indent][color=pink][i] My sniper, no wait, a radio. A flare gun! Maybe a multi tool. A space ship. Wait... What planet is this island on? [/i][/color][/indent] 8. What's your favorite word/phrase? [indent][color=pink][i] ... probably fuck. It's just so versatile ;) [/i][/color][/indent] 9. Space Pepsi or Galacticola? [indent][color=pink][i] Both ruin the booze really, best to go straight on the rocks. [/i][/color][/indent] 10. Favorite book? [indent][color=pink][i] [/i][/color][/indent] 11. What do you smell like? [indent][color=pink][i] I swear if you sniff me I'll punch you! I smell like a god damn lady alright. [/i][/color][/indent] 12. Do you like flowers? What kind is your favorite? [indent][color=pink][i]Yea there purdy, I like all sorts depending on my mood and who is handing them over. Exotic and rare ones are often special. Especially if you had to kill someone to get them.[/i][/color][/indent] 13. What Harry Potter house would you be sorted into? [indent][color=pink][i] Who is this guy and what's so special about his houses? [/i][/color][/indent] 14. Favorite leisure activity? [indent][color=pink][i] ... Haha. See question 8 [/i][/color][/indent] 15. What earth location would you most like to visit? [indent][color=pink][i] Again with this earth place... [/i][/color][/indent] 16. What kind of underwear do you wear? [indent][color=pink][i] C'mon, Now your just getting pervy. Obviously non unless it's all that I'm wearing. [/i][/color][/indent] 17. What day is your birthday? [indent][color=pink][i] Every fucking day! But seriously, I don't know. [/i][/color][/indent] 18. Favorite food? [indent][color=pink][i] All the foods! [/i][/color][/indent] 19. What real or fictional character would you most like to meet? [indent][color=pink][i] Myself, I hear I'm a pretty awesome chick. [/i][/color][/indent] 20. What's your Dungeons and Dragons alignment? [indent][color=pink][i]Kick ass! [sub]is that an alignment?[/sub] Eh maybe CN[/i][/color][/indent] [/hider]