Vladimir circled in front of them, saying that he might "need" Eloise. She froze, an expression of pure terror flitting over her features. Eloise tightened her grip on the other vampire's arm, not realizing that her fingers were almost vise-like. [i]Please, no, no, no,[/i] she thought desperately, the blood draining from her face. [i]We're so close. So, so, close.[/i] In that moment, Eloise realized how goddamn [i]tired[/I] she was of being constantly used, like she was an object or a tool-not a living, breathing being, with a perfectly functioning mind, thank you very much. "Please," she whispered all but inaudibly, choking on the fear. Vladimir would take her to the Covenant, and the Covenant....the Covenant would hurt her. She began to shake, then, memories of the vampire hunters and her sire alike flooding her mind and meshing into one. The air was tense as the golden-eyed newcomer surveyed the unlikely group. He was obviously armed-his coat did nothing to conceal the weapons on his person. Eloise listened with mild surprise as he pleaded for Hank, Vladimir, Eloise, and the last vampire to help him save the humans and hunters who had been captured by some oldblood named Magnus. Eloise's mind whirled-so [i]that[/I] was why the Covenant was bringing her to Tennessee. The golden-eyed vampire seemed desperate. [i]I just want to leave,[/I] Eloise thought miserably. [i]Does that make me selfish? I suppose it does. Oh, but for the love of god, I don't care...[/i] "Please don't make me go back to them," she whispered, her voice breaking in the middle. If she ever went back to the Covenant, they would treat her like her sire had. Eloise just wanted everything to stop [i]hurting[/I]. Was that truly so much to ask?