[@Avanhelsing] Abel was a deep sleeper. At least, in his human form he was incredibly hard to wake up, his eyes shut with a peaceful expression on his face. His sleeping self lightly rolled, exposing his one tattoo on his back. His arm curled behind his head with his other folded over his side. It looked incredibly uncomfortable, but considering how he was still deeply asleep, to him it must be fine. He had no idea his soul mate was peeking at him....and probably wouldn't until he actually woke up. Abel's nose started working before his brain did. Nostrils flaring and taking in the smells of his soul mate and the smell of cooking eggs. His eyes slowly opened and in confusion he didn't quite register why he was on the couch instead of in his bed. Then, slowly his brain caught up and he was sitting up with a yawn. One that, if someone was to look closely exposed the fact that his canines were slightly pointed. He ran a hand through his hair and managed to stand and pad his way into the kitchen. [color=pink]"Good morning"[/color] While his voice had a groggy deepness to it, the tone was clearly cheerful. He lightly made his way to the fridge where he pulled out a carton of almond milk and poured himself a glass. [color=pink]"Since you're cooking I can at least pour your drink...what would you like"[/color] The more he woke up the less gruffness was in his voice. He was by no means a morning person, but having his soul mate here made him have a much better mood then most mornings.