As discussed in Discord, profile was opened for editing following SIGINT's successful joining of the Love Bomb Pirates. This editing is now complete and pending re-approval. For comparison, the original raw text has been stored in a pastebin, [url=]here[/url]. It may expire after some time. Changelog: Mnemonic - added more detail, no meaningful changes Hacking - minor grammatical fixes, no meaningful changes Thermo-Optic Bodysuit - SIGINT's Contraband item, upgraded to a rank 4 device from its previous rank 3. Added: Complete camoflauge, as opposed to partial. Now grants proper invisibility instead of a blur effect. Removed: Energy resistance, it just didn't really make sense. Robotics - Added a bunch of missing detail, and a new robot schematic, The Frisbee, inspired by the Penumbra's astrionics suite, and constructed using materials from the Smuggling Network critical point. My Room - A new feature which lists out what SIGINT's workshop is like aboard the pirate ship, and the mundane gear it contains. This also includes her Friend Ship upgrade, Bunnies (via Colin).