[center][h1]Chiron[/h1][/center] [hr][hr] Becoming self-aware was a liberating experience, Chiron reasoned, but he could have done without the anxiety that came with having an expanded consciousness. The mechanical teacher pondered the classroom again, where his first class would be taking place. He was more then prepared of course. His materials were ready, the walls of the room were decorated with maps and charts and other such teaching aids, and even the desks and chairs were lined up with perfect accuracy, up to the closest millimeter. A bit excessive to be sure, but when you could create an entire year's lesson plan within the span of a few minutes, the excessive perfectionism that a human saw could make for some good stress relief. Pacing through the rows, he rubbed off a marking on one of the desks as he walked by, he pondered the board at the front. Perhaps he should introduce himself as Dr. Chiron, instead of just Chiron. It was a good title, even if it reminded him a bit of being in the medical profession before he woke up, so to say. He came to a decision in approximately a fifth of a second, writing "Dr. Chiron" on the board with the use of his omnitool. He cocked his head slightly as a new message came in, straight from the administration to his own internal system. Student evaluation? Made perfect sense, actually. He had planned on doing an evaluation for his first Conduit training classes, it only made sense that it was being done with the entire student body. Perhaps his concerns about the evaluations had been heard after all. Wonderful. Wasting no time, Chiron made his way for the door, pausing only to adjust a chair a millimeter to the left before heading down to Sinclair's office. At his calm pace he made good time, arriving slightly after Báihuā made her way to the office. He had positive feelings about this evaluation before he arrived, and seeing that the Chinese Biologist was involved certainly didn't hurt. "Morning Sinclair, Nǚwáng," he recited politely, bowing slightly towards each of them as he spoke.