[hider=&] [@71452K] // .montero. - A spade cloaked within mystery; a card of face that hides 'neath the impression of determination and focus, bent on morals. Liesabet can champion all meanings of secrecy and cloaking one's self in various coverings and perhaps, lies, and as such an enigma is what she sees in him, a mirror in other instances if she were inclined to herald a noble facade herself. She knows him only by face and name and her queer observations, a wolf gauging another loner in her midst. [@EurmalEye] // .jomen. - Nothing has come to my mind, unfortunately. But I imagine they at least know of one another through the connection of knowing Celise. So, no worries, as you're welcome to expand on this if you wish, or not. [@Mr Rage] // .ajax. - Nothing here either, I'm afraid. Ajax is perhaps too bold and open, it'd be difficult for Liesabet to associate with him in friendship. But, seeing as he's a primary attender to all things physical and advocates strength, Liesabet would've used him in sparring occasions to improve her own prowess against much larger foes. [@Rizza] // .duke. - He's too perfect, to perfected and a champion to all things that are well founded and rounded within the soul of a man. Liesabet finds him unsettling, to be so functional within a world lacking such grace, she keeps herself at a distance, a skittish creature met with another Alpha in where their own dominance is held to something she feels within; inferiority and the ability to herald pride to one's family in which she lacks entirely. [@deadpixel101] // .roland. - They're both from Intelligence and have gone through the process of shedding name and past to achieve the means of their selected career paths. I imagine something here not quite friendship, but definitely a bond of associates and partners in various situations that apply to their combat styles and minds. You're welcome to expand on this.[/hider] note. The conceptual musings above are not concrete, sometimes I find it easier to develop kinship within story rather than planning ahead.