[code]This is my GM voice. If you see me writing with [code] tags, that means I am speaking to you - the player - as the GM. Like in many tabletops, the GM will describe your environment with[/code] a rich narrative voice, [code]but when it comes time for the GM to talk to the players and answering their questions, the roleplaying is momentarily suspended so that the information can be concisely conveyed (such as whether you fail rolls or not, or what you can or cannot see). When it's time for dice to be rolled, all of the numbers will be in a titled hider within the post. The outcome will be described in the post, so you have the option of skipping that entirely if the numbers do not interest you.[/code] [s][i]also, we totally change the numbers based on the RP'ers we like more.[/i][/s] [code]God damn it, Walks.[/code]