[center][h2]Steve[/h2] [hider][img]http://ak-hdl.buzzfed.com/static/2014-10/28/11/enhanced/webdr01/enhanced-963-1414509509-50.jpg[/img][/hider] Location: alley across Heroes' Café interacting with: Harpy [/center] [hr][hr] Steve figured he just had to sit this one out. Events like this happened fairly often and the inhabitants of EC had gotten used to it. Though deadly, most villains or monsters were too distracted by the heroes who were taking them on, to be concerned about regular civilians. If he would stay low in the shadow behind this dumpster, no harm was going to befall him. In situations like this he had often feared it to be his duty to help others and use his giant size. But he was way more comfortable not being in the picture and having lesser responibility as a disabled person. Luckily there were so many people like his friend Robert, who wanted to be a hero. They were almost fighting amongst each other for who could be the most badass hero. The most famous or the most useful. Steve assumed there were more than enough people handling these situations. And his help would probably not even be appreciated. [Center][b]From: STEVE To: ROB Hey Rob, I'm across Heroes Café, hiding in the alley, in case you're looking for me. You're probably still melting some birds, so good luck! and stay safe! I need you in one piece. Let me know when I can expect you.[/b][/center] Seconds after he had hit send, he heard a cat's meow coming from his bag. More specifically, from the pocket of Robs pants that he was carrying with him. He hit his forehead with his flat hand. [i]That was dumb.[/i] And dumb it was. However faint the sound, a nearby harpy managed to pick it up and make a little inspection. Steve was putting away his phone when he suddenly felt sharp claws gripping his shoulders. Two of the talons pierces his skin. Before he could react to it, the Harpy had lifted him up in the air, and out of his chair. In a reflex, Steve curled up to a ball, as to not turn giant. As he was lifted higher and higher into the air, he started doubting whether it was the deadly threat of the harpy, or the social anxiety related to his power, that scared him more.