[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=598527]Lola Holler[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://cdn1-www.afterellen.com/assets/uploads/2015/10/tankgirl.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] North Of Newnan (Veterans Memorial Park - Corner of Temple Ave. & Jackson St.)[/center][hr] [color=598527]"No problem there mate, waste of fucking bullets if ya friendly,"[/color] Lola said as she flopped down in her recliner and spun around with her gun resting in her lap. Spinning around to face him she tilted her head to the side a bit. [color=598527]"Hell fuck yeah it's mine. This be my baby! No going no damn where without him,"[/color] she said reaching over and patting the over decorated tank a bit as if she was patting a dog. It was no secret Lola loved her tank, to her it was the best companion she could have. Protected her, gave her a place to sleep, a way to get around, and never strayed! Fuck yeah, better than any man she had ever run across. Glancing over out of the corner of her eye as Thalia made herself known she burst out laughing. The girl had a way of making herself known that was for sure. Granted Lola figured she could have gone for a much more dramatic entrance but the woman was a tad reserved in Lola's eyes. (Then again, Ru Paul was understated in her eyes as well.) [color=598527]"Oh leave the old coot alone. I don't thinks we gotta be worrying about damn brigade of geriatrics marching on us in the snow,"[/color] she sniggered as she stood back up and pointed over to the side of the tank. [color=598527]"Alright Gramps, up this way and come over by me grill. Warms up a bit. Lets see if we can thaw yas out and get some coffee in ya,"[/color] she said as she picked up her MRE pack and started rummaging through it. [color=598527]"Not sharing my cocoa though, a womans mini marshmallows are damned right sacred!"[/color] she spouted off, not even paying attention at this point. [i][color=598527]"Times have changed and we've often rewound the clock. Since the Puritans got a shock when they landed on Plymouth Rock. If today any shock they should try to stem, 'stead of landing on Plymouth Rock, Plymouth Rock would land on them. In olden days, a glimpse of stocking was looked on as something shocking. But now, God knows, anything goes,"[/color][/i] she sang, blurting out into random Cole Porter song as her feet tapped away. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=f26522]Gavin Comfort[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://cimg.tvgcdn.net/i/2016/10/18/2f99eb5f-a2b2-4e86-bfc1-3fa19bcd42db/clayne-hair-11.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Outer Gate[/center][hr] Gavin dropped his gear by the front gate and leaned back against the wall, one foot propped up underneath him as he crossed his arms over his chest. His duster brushing against the snow at his feet as his cowboy hat blocked the sunlight from his eyes. Looking about he waved slightly at Ravi as he spotted him with Miss Sally. Seemed he was coming by to say his goodbyes, or at least escorting Miss Sally to say goodbye to James. Either way, it was nice to see him again before he set out. Ravi was like a brother to him, closest thing he had to one. He was glad they had found some place for him to stay while he tried to deal with Peachtree City, or Eden as James called it. It wasn't that he wouldn't have liked to keep Ravi close by but he knew the mans outlook on killing people and didn't want him to become a casualty. He was half surprised that they both were still kicking right then, there were plenty of times that Gavin's way of jumping into things half cocked could have easily gotten them killed. It hadn't and this time Gavin had a feeling in his gut he wasn't coming back. Least with Ravi here he knew there was one person he could trust to be there for Strawberry Wine. Resting his head back on the wall he let out a long breath as he thought back to Thana, smiling to himself thinking about running into her at that run down bar. Sitting there in a pair of jeans and white button down shirt. He had walked in with his boys from the Rangers and stopped in his tracks when he saw her. He had brushed off his buds to walk right over to her, introduced himself, and asked her to dance. She had just looked at him, a slight smile on her lips, and said No. That of course didn't stop him, one look at her eyes and he was hooked. He pestered her all night and still didn't get that dance. When she left the bar he tried again just to get her name. [color=0072bc][i]"Lt. Commander Martin,"[/i][/color] she had said brushing passed him and leaving him there. He had never been happier than he was the next day to find her among the relief workers the next day helping out. Took another three weeks of trying but he eventually got that dance... Strawberry Wine. Miss Sally nodded slightly towards Gavin as she spotted the wave. "Maybe one day you will, for now, go on and say your goodbyes," she said before spotting Thana coming up with Ash by her side. "Before he lays his eyes on her again," she teased. Shaking her head she let go Ravi's arm and thanked him for walking her out there. Turning and looking over at Ash, giving him a slight nod before she started looking for James. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=0072bc]Thana Martin[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/523ed7050654d50bbae4eb51a3735349/tumblr_inline_n767baVN661szvbv0.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Inner Gate -> Outer Gate[/center][hr] [color=0072bc]"He is a survivor Captain,"[/color] Thana commented before Ash made his radio call out to the people of Newnan. Shoving her hands into her pockets she kept walking towards the Outer Gate. Hopefully thing would go smoothly and this would be over and done with quickly. The longer it took to say goodbye, the higher chance of something going wrong. She doubted anyone in the town, especially Ash, needed the added stress of something going even worse off than it already had. Spotting Miss Sally giving a slight nod in their direction she figured it was for Ash. She didn't know the woman. Her eyes darted around from person to person that had or was still making their way over to the gate. Seemed like a crowd was growing and at first she didn't see Gavin, half figuring whatever he was doing or going had already put him on the other side of the gate. Yet then she spotted his cowboy hat. He was taller than probably everyone in town by a good few inches, most in town by a good half a foot, so he stood out. The hat and duster didn't help. She grunted inwardly. Hopefully he wouldn't cause another scene. Not that he had meant to earlier but Gavin was all about saying exactly what was on his mind and/or heart when he spoke. That was the last thing she needed right then, especially after what went down between her and Ash just a few minutes before. Thana wasn't one to let on how she felt about people in public, at least not outwardly with showing affection or announcing intentions but damn it, if Gavin started in again she knew she would have to say something and that was the last thing she wanted to do right then. Not that she cared if anyone knew that her and Ash were now together but to announce it as James was leaving after only knowing each other a day just to get Gavin to back off... That wasn't how she wanted to go about it. Shit, if Gavin found out he might stay and try to court her again... Fucking hell... [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=a187be]Tatiana Korvo[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s480x480/e35/15538670_1799587316995431_8758437261512540160_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTQwNzYyMDA2MzI5Njc1NzI0MA%3D%3D.2[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Outer Gate[/center][hr] Tatiana smiled over at Jack and nodded. [color=a187be]"Dat is good name, you tell him. James for a boy, Jamie for girl,"[/color] she said with a bright smile as she leaned in and kissed him softly. Reaching up she rested her hand on his cheek and just gazed at her husband for a minute. He always seemed to know exactly what to say to make her feel better about things, even if it was totally off topic. He just made everything better to her. Glancing around she took note of who all was showing up and who wasn't. Seemed most were headed out there, some remaining behind she figured needed to take care of things to keep the town running. There wasn't exactly a procedure for how they said goodbye to someone getting exiled. This was a first. Hopefully it would be the last. Waving slightly as she spotted Froggy and Niesha coming up to the crowd she smiled to them. Seem Niesha had a pack. It didn't look large enough to be her personal things. Must had been something she had put together for James before he left. Froggy waved back and nudged Niesha slightly. "You are welcome. Now, soon as James arrives over here, we can say our goodbyes," he said as he let out a breath and pulled out a worn card box. He enjoyed playing cards when he was talking to people, usually GoFish. Had spent many a night asking if anyone had any sixes. It was his little something to say goodbye with. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=fff79a]Ryan O'Reily[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lzym45prCj1qcnxvno1_500.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Armory (Building 6) -> Outer Gate[/center][hr] [color=fff79a]"Yeah, with us two, he's screwed,"[/color] Ryan laughed as he climbed in after Beatrice and closed the door. Jim rolled his eyes a bit as he started up the truck and headed out. Driving the truck towards the front gate and then the outer gate. Being careful to avoid anyone that was walking to the outer gate to say goodbye to James. "I don't think he does but Bossman knows you two are leaving. Guess we will surprise him when we get there," Jim said in passing and gave Ash a nod as they came up to the gate. Turning off the engine, having parked the truck at the gate he climbed out and handed the keys over to Ash. "It's all packed up Boss, and they have their things as well," he said motioning over towards Beatrice and Ryan. Ryan climbed out of the truck and looked around. Stepping over to Ash, Irish smirked a bit [color=fff79a]"Looks like yer finally rid of me,"[/color] he chuckled before leaning against the truck and looking over the crowd. Then he spotted Chloe and sighed. [color=fff79a]"God-damnit,"[/color] he muttered under his breath. He had thought about her making her way to the gate to say goodby to James but of course she would. Everyone, well nearly everyone, was there to say goodbye.