Beware of the wiki. It's very, very incomplete. And a lot of its articles aren't even canon anymore. We have been running a lot of years, and through those years we have seen players make a lot of bullshit moves that make no sense, and that we somehow let pass. But a lot of it is being wiped off the official canon when we decide to move the RP here. There may be inconsistencies and contradictions in there too. Basically, the wiki's alright if you want a very bare-bones idea of what may be happening in some places, but you shouldn't go there looking for an absolute answer on something. You're better off asking us here. But as said before, we'll be making some lore summaries for new potential players to read when we make the move. As for our nations: Aaron is China. Vilageidiot is Ethiopia. I am Germany/Prussia Gorgenmast is Spain TheEvanCat is Armenia. There's a few other people around but those are the main player nations right now. And of course, we've had plenty of other players play other nations in the past, but we've lost a lot of people to a lot of reasons.