[@Zelosse] [@Raptra] [@CriticalHit] [H3] Dia - Forest [/h3] [hr] Dia thought for a moment, unaware of the people they'd started coming closer towards, as she listened to Felix's explanation. Her gaze fell on his hand, which looked like it was bleeding again, and she huffed, irritated. "[Color=lightblue]Well, I can't help anything that happened before. But I'll figure out how to help you not be so angry and keep hurting yourself[/color]," she murmured, pointing at his free hand. "[Color=lightblue] And as for the roommate situation...I can tell you're serious, but I really think you should go about it different. I mean, uh, it's not like we're in our dorms much. At least it didn't seem like it so far. And there's always the roof. I like it up there. I mean, all you really need your dorm for is to sleep, so....[/color]" she trailed off, noticing the others and going a little red as she curled into Felix more. "[Color=lightblue] Oh. Uh. Hello? [/Color]" she murmured towards them.