[hider=Nixon Westwood] [b]Name:[/b] Nixon Westwood (by all accounts, he prefers the nickname "Jinx" to his given name) [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-V_w1ljlYZiM/WWUg6Z_rICI/AAAAAAABVMQ/im71Kbj26tYgZuaUSflJGRnARz6I8h72wCJoC/w506-h750/51a8d0d27f6b301b06c45fc8126aca18.jpg[/img] [b]Personality:[/b] Nixon Westood isn't one to be held back by constraints, be they social or otherwise. He's found that if act like you should be somewhere, it's often assumed you are, in fact, meant to be there. Even by people who should really know better. This revelation has had an effect upon him-if people can become something simply by acting, then much of what the everyday world is built on is fragile indeed. This low valuation of norms and mores tends to take the form of constant. snarky commentary. And some light thieving now and then, if need be. He's also developed a fondness for brawling-he feels alive during a fight, in a way that he doesn't during the humdrum of everyday existence. [b]Bonds:[/b] His grandmother, a native of the region and who he presently lives with. While there are substantial generational differences between them-cultural as well, considering Nixon is a native of Johto-their shared disdain for corporations, certain political parties and their general irreverence when it comes to matters others hold sacred has ensured the two have bonded. Long debates into the night on everything from history to religion and politics are the rule at their house, not the exception. [b]Pokemon:[/b] Houndour (Blaze) [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/74/e2/6d/74e26d1ff4e2b3f2bf38fae9410d766b--pokemon-wiki-ash.jpg[/img] [b]Pokemon's Nature:[/b] Blaze shares a nature with his trainer, in a word, he could be described as Naughty. Blaze is assertive, determined and doesn't let pesky things like yelling or humans get in his way when he decides he wants something. More then a few vendors in the area have lost food to this particular pokemon, who always walks away looking as confident and content as Nixon himself. [b]Pokemon's Move[/b] Bite Ember Howl Smog [/hider]