[hider=Garrett] [b]Name:[/b] Garrett [b]Alias:[/b] Nil [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://pre08.deviantart.net/226e/th/pre/f/2014/280/7/d/garrett___thief_gold_by_yibingling-d81y54v.png]Normal attire[/url], [url=http://img06.deviantart.net/432c/i/2013/261/9/7/garrett___thief_by_yibingling-d6mso0q.png]thieving attire.[/url] Garrett is a rather small man, only 5'6 and weighing in at a measly 114 pounds; he is extremely lanky, with no fat to speak of and barely any muscle. His face is almost always clean-shaven and his dark brown hair is cut short. He has a scar running from his right cheek up to his eyebrow. [b]Personality:[/b] Garrett is a rather snarky and rude young man. He is open to conversations with others, but they should expect more than a few sarcastic jabs if they do talk with him, and they'd better have thick skin because he almost always flat-out insults someone in conversations. What can he say? Being raised by street rats doesn't give you the best social skills. Despite his rather rude nature, he actually has a pretty big hero complex (despite what he might tell you), and always tries to help people in need. In addition to this, he abhors killing, his excuse being that it's unprofessional; really, it's just because he doesn't think he could live with himself if he did kill someone. [b]Biography:[/b] TL;DR: an orphan raised by a gang of street kids who stole to survive. Ended up leading another gang of kids after the old one had disbanded. Eventually went on to become a solo thief, then recently joined the Thieves Guild. [hider=Full Bio] Garrett was born in a brothel to a whore, his father being a long forgotten client. His mother died in childbirth, and the other prostitutes dumped him out on the street to die, seeing no point in raising a bastard child. Nine times out of ten, this is where a whoreson's life would end, but, as fate would have it, he was taken in by a gang of homeless orphans who stole to survive. Again, nine times out of ten this is where a whoreson's life would end, but he was able to survive his first few years of life on the street. Garrett was always lucky like that. Due to the fact that the street rats had just found the baby and had no indication of his name, they picked one for him, leaving him without a last name because none of them even knew what a last name was, what with them being orphans. They raised him as one of their own, teaching him how to con and steal, which would prove useful later in his life. When Garrett was six, he conned a shopkeeper out of some bread. When he was seven, he picked his first pocket. When he was eight, he picked his first lock. And when he was nine, he first ran and hid from guards. By the time Garrett was 14, most of the original members of the gang that raised him were gone (either dead, arrested, or having gone off on their own), and he found himself leading a new gang of younger kids. However, this time he began to teach them how to break into homes and stores rather than conning and pickpocketing unwitting people. Five years later, Garrett decided to leave the gang, passing on the title of leader to the oldest of them. He began a solo career as a thief, sneaking into stores and houses and stealing everything that wasn't nailed down (and sometimes, even things that were) as well as the classic pickpocketing when not on a job. Recently, he received word of the Thieves Guild that had formed, and decided to join them in order to make more cash. [/hider][b]Skills:[/b] Stealth, lockpicking, pickpocketing, and basic archery. [b]Equipment:[/b] A bow and quiver of arrows. A three inch dagger (just for emergencies; Garrett's never had to put it to use). A lockpicking kit. A rope.[/hider]