[hr][hr][center][img]https://s9.postimg.org/tznya388f/strange.png[/img][hr][img]https://a.dilcdn.com/bl/wp-content/uploads/sites/25/2015/05/Captain-Jack-Things-1.gif[/img][hr][@Nallore][@BlueSky44][@Dark Light][@FantasyChic][@mnkee][hr][h3][color=#0099cc][b]The Port of Tortuga: April 4th, 1719 - 2:17 PM Local Time[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][hr][@Dark Light][@FantasyChic] - This time, the men don't push back. They allow you to proceed and leave the docks. In town, the crowd is still gathered around an entertainer. The woman is juggling fire, from what it seems, without any sign of burns or injury. Quite understandably, people are visibly impressed and are clamoring at her to spill her secrets. Beyond that, the port town is as it usually is--active, boisterous, and a bit charming to some. Rumors are flying about some little thing that vanished from the gallows the day before, with the rumor growing grander and grander each time it's told until the gallows have become the hangman's noose. [hr][hr][center][h1][color=#0099cc]Harlianne James[/color][/h1][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/056365d4bdae592f226e141749c1f15b/tumblr_inline_ndn8aw9MHC1qm0wjz.gif[/img][hr][color=#0099cc][b]Location[/b][/color]: Near [i]the Bellona[/i] - Port of Tortuga Docks[/center][hr][hr] Quite understandably, none of the men stepped forward to sail under Mad Eyes. Whether it had been from stories of Harlianne's unorthodox methods, her gender, or the simple fact that she had murdered their previous captain, it wasn't clear. However, luck hadn't entirely abandoned Captain James, as none of the men directed their pieces towards her. Instead, the quartermaster stepped forward, hat in his hand. "We disbanded, miss," the quartermaster explained, not even looking at the corpse of the former captain. "All the wares a been sold. Got no more reason to fly th' colors." It was the smart move for them, of course. With the captain dead, that meant more loot for the rest of them. By the Code, the captain received two shares. And given his present condition, those shares didn't matter anymore. He couldn't possibly claim them. There was no reason to stick out their necks and risk death, when they could easily double their own take by simply taking what's theirs and leaving. It was bad luck to sail with a woman onboard anyways. [color=0099cc]"Right then. I understand. Plunder yor black slimy guts out. It's keen,"[/color] Harlianne replied, about to climb up the rope ladder when a shrill voice called out for her to wait. Harlianne let out an exasperated sigh, swinging around to face the offender. It was none other than Alice Blackwood. [i]Typical peer.[/i] Harlianne scowled. [color=0099cc]"Wot the hell fire do yer want, eh?"[/color] Harlianne asked. "Would you be so kind as to escort us to Édouard Riviere? I can reward you for your troubles," Alice requested, completely oblivious to the way Jean's eye twitched. Jean had worked with some odd ladies before, having worked in the Crypt Household for a few years, but Alice seemed to have the least common sense of any noble she had ever encountered. She was asking pirates for help, after all. [color=0099cc]"'ow much brass are we goin' on about?"[/color] Harlianne replied after a pause, a bit of a smirk on her face. She didn't want to leave her ship unattended, but one of her girls should be back soon. And she wasn't one to pass up a potential profit. [hr][hr][center][h1][color=f7976a]Aravis Zacharia[/color][/h1][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/7a86554916f190a06b78c5065bbedb89/tumblr_inline_n8ohr7CSGC1sk70ot.gif[/img][hr][color=f7976a][b]Location[/b][/color]: [i]the Faithful Bride[/i] - Port of Tortuga [/center][hr][hr] The walk to the Faithful Bride was relatively quick. Compared to the other taverns in Tortuga, it was an oasis of peace and serenity. Sure, people were sitting around laughing and drinking, but relatively few things were being thrown and hey, you could even see the floor! It was clean and pleasant, one of the main reasons it did well as an inn. They rented out a few rooms, though the best two were inhabited by Miguel and his sister, Catalina. Once inside, Aravis headed up to the bar and exchanged a few quick words with the barkeep. Anastasia's sash was doing a decent job at keeping her from losing more blood, but she'd still need stitches. The sash was just a temporary solution. But fortunately, Catalina was upstairs and from the barkeep's expression, this wasn't the first time someone had come to Catalina for help. Heading back over towards Elissa and Anastasia, Aravis explained what the barkeep had told her. [color=f7976a]"Catalina'll do it, apparently. It'll be at least five shillings."[/color] Of course, the Faithful Bride was owned by two Spaniards, but with the mixture of people in the area everyone took about just every currency. It was practically custom to explain prices in shillings, francs, and reals. [color=f7976a]"She's upstairs. Last room on the left."[/color]