[h2]Saber[/h2] The black-haired young woman opened her mouth to speak again, but shut it quietly. No, it was best not to delay in investigating the mansion, understanding the layout of their 'fortress' was far wiser then inquiring about her Master's incomplete thoughts. From there, the tour around the mansion went quickly and without much of a hitch. Saber did not have any specific questions about the layout, though she was recording the details in her mind in order to best exploit them if it was necessary. Ideally the fight would never come here, or at the very least never actually pass the walls of the mansion. Still, it would be impractical not to be prepared would it not? And so she remained silent and observant, only deigning to speak once the tour was over. "I am confident that the fight will never pass these walls," Saber began, "However, I am glad to know the 'fortress' that I shall be defending." Now all that was left was to change her clothing and then proceed to the Church. The more quickly they fulfilled this objective, the less likely it was that another Master would choose to target them while they were returning home. Naturally, Saber felt as if she could defend her Master, but it would still be best to avoid a conflict without having prepared a deeper strategy. That being said, in the unlikely event that the enemy was Caster or Assassin, the Servant's opinion on the matter would be reversed. Attacking and eliminating them swiftly and quickly would become her priority. However, it would only be the most foolish of Masters who would use either of those Servants in such a manner. [@Feyblue] [hr] [h2]Estelle Varianbec, Master of Caster[/h2] "Ah, so you want to take on Saber?" Estelle replied, smiling slyly. To be honest, fighting(and defeating) Saber would be a wonderful prize on the first night of the Grail War. Saber was regarded as the strongest class, though naturally the level of power between classes varied depending on the Heroic Spirit summoned into them. Still, to defeat what was likely to be one of the strongest Servants in the war so quickly... well, needless to say, the diminutive girl would be quite pleased if it came to pass. "I'd like to see the hero of the sword die quickly, too! But if we can't manage that, I'd like to see to it that Caster or Assassin is defeated." These were also for practical reasons. Assassin was dangerous if left alone to remain hidden, and the longer Caster was allowed to build their workshop the more hazardous they could become. But frankly, any Servant's death would be welcomed. "I'm confident you'll beat anyone we come up against, Rider!" Confidence didn't mean stupidity, however. The bounded field surrounding Estelle's body was operating at its strongest level, meaning that she was well-defended from direct attack. Choosing to attack while multiple Servants would be heading to and from the Church meant even if their presence was detected it was possible(though admittedly not the most likely possibility) that they would not be recognized as an offensive threat until it was too late. Finally, well... Estelle had summoned one of the most dangerous Riders she could. Her confidence was hardly unwarranted. [@Blackstripe]