Sitting in the rumbling metal box of the container truck Kusari had remained silent ever since they left the hotel. She'd been too busy trying not to hyperventilate to comment on the kaiju ravaging the city or offer any meaningful opinions. She'd begrudgingly carried an injured solider to safety. Helping someone that wouldn't hesitate to put a bullet in her head for acting up in the slightest didn't exactly feel right. Unfortunately leaving him to die would feel even worse. Her breathing eventually subsided, only because the inside of the container gave her a moment of solace from the chaos outside. There was still an uncomfortable tension in her chest, it was a pressure reminding her that at any moment she could lose another ally. She flinched as the the cuff around her ankle came to life and she heard Zoe speaking to Brent. Kusari blinked in confusion. Whatever her plan was it sounded more than insane. Zoe really must have a death wish. Regardless they would need a healer soon. Kusari considered trying to tell them to stop, but she knew that would be pointless, Zoe seemed as stubborn as glue on the bottom of a shoe. Allison followed up, actually requesting help. She didn't know what she was saying to each other but somehow Zoe had convinced Allison to let this happen. But why was she so easily saying that they would die if it didn't work? She looked at Lily, the girl had just gone through healing nearly everyone's wounds at the hotel. Kusari wasn't sure if she could put her through any more. But there wasn't any other choice, Sander had selfishly run off with Christmas leaving Lily to be the only healer they had. [color=662d91]"Lily."[/color] Kusari spoke to the girl, her voice coming out rougher than she thought it would. She cleared her throat and continued. [color=662d91]"Will you be able to come with me to help Allison and Zoe?"[/color]