[center][h1][color=cyan]Anastasia "Anna Nine Fingers" Ridgeway[/color][/h1] [img]http://digitalspyuk.cdnds.net/16/34/480x192/gallery-1471864637-tumblr-inline-mkwvq1vshp1qz4rgp.gif[/img] [color=cyan][i]Location: Port of Tortuga - Outside of The Kings Arm -> The Faithful Bride[/I][/color][/center] [hr][hr] Anastasia followed behind Aravis and Elissa as she looked around, the area seemed to be a lot more quieter then the other parts of Tortuga she would occasionally look around at the men and women who were there. They seemed to be more friendly then the others who were at the the Kings Arm. When they got to the Faithful Bride Anastasia leaned herself up against a support pillar in the room looking down at her wrapped up hand, it still stung like hell as well as the punch she received to the throat. Anastasia looked between Aravis and Elissa, she was truly grateful that they did come to help her when they did, she probably would have ended up dead by those men. Anastasia watched as Aravis made her way over towards the bartender, she didn't hear what the two of them spoke as Anastasia looked over towards Elissa. [color=cyan]"T'anks again by de way."[/color] Anastasia said to her, and smiled softly towards the woman when Aravis came back to them luckily there was someone who was more then willing to patch her hand up. Luckily she had enough money to pay for the service, giving Aravis a thankful smile. Anastasia took out her coin bag she carried on her, awkwardly searching around for it and handed Aravis, and Elissa the remaining five shillings that she had on her. [color=cyan]"Drinks are on me, not takin' naw for an answer. Den we can git ter nu each other a bit more."[/color] Anastasia said smiling at the two women, before slowly making her way up the flight of stairs and headed down the hallway as she made her way to the last door on the left and gave a few quick knocks on the door.