[@Avanhelsing] Abel blinked at Owen, almond milk still in hand. His head tilting before he managed a chuckle. [color=pink]"Okay."[/color] He was not expecting that response. If anything he thought he was being somewhat polite. Maybe he was too old fashioned. Abel soon found a blush flare up. [color=pink]"You're not so bad yourself"[/color] The tease was accompanied by a half smile. It was clear that he was already very comfortable around Owen. Which was strange to him, but then again why wouldn't he be. Abel grabbed an additional glass and poured milk for Owen. Abel took a few moments to find the right phrasing. [color=pink]"I didn't want to make you uncomfortable.....and I was worried that I might hurt you"[/color] he capped the carton and put it back in the fridge before leaning against the counter and facing Owen. [color=pink]"From here on out I'll share the bed...just be forewarned I get extremely warm"[/color] Another head tilt. [color=pink]"Well since I clearly have some making up to do...what do you want to do today? Whatever you want"[/color] He had completely avoided the biting part....still faintly blushing from being teased.