Granted, but now everybody speaks bad chinese slang. [quote=@FreeElk] [@Foster] 70 pounds?! I'm guessing we're talking longbow or compound here. My recurve is only a little over half that (36) and its taken me three years to build that up (partly money based). At least if it is compound the resting poundage is a lot lower.[/quote] -I was shooting southpawed since I was twelve, so... yeah... gonna take me awhile (about a decade, easy) to get on that level with my other shoulder. I've got a plywood recurve (RH only) set to 50 pounds (plus 10 pounds because of overdraw... long-arms) waiting for me, in the meantime. Right now playing with 30-40 pounds on sight-less fiberglass recurves at about ten to twenty meters on 40cm targets (NFAA indoor scoring rules). -I did mention I occassionally volunteer as an archery instructor, right? Kinda wishing this riding lawn mower would just fix itself and work properly like a good honest proletariate lawn-mower.