The moment he woke up, Thanath Thundermaul Thenalekali sat bolt upright in his current resting place. [b]"Hey!"[/b] the goliath boomed [b]"Where did the bar fight go?! And while I'm on the subject, where did all my stuff go?!"[/b]. As he looked around, Thanath eventually spotted an armed hairy half-elf in a white gown that matched the one Thanath was wearing. [b]"Hello!"[/b] Thanath boomed with a polite wave as he hauled himself off the slab he had been lying on [b]"Awfully breezy today, isn't it?!"[/b]. With that said, Thanath began looking around the room for any signs of his gear. But before he could get anymore searching done, Thanath noticed an emerald had been stuck in his arm. [b]"I don't remember this being here!"[/b] Thanath boomed as he studied the emerald.