[@Scrapula] Seems good. Welcome aboard Miss Atlas! [@Queentze] Seems good but, his hider says "tyler" and his name is "zak." Also, any connection between him and Sergeant Major Edwards? They do both share the same last name. [@Stern Algorithm] Surprise surprise but it seems good! Only thing is, as you said that image really doesn't fit the setting. I'll add a written appearance section in below class, feel free to write what he looks like there. Or, I did some browsing and, hey, you mentioned Hollow Knight? Well I found something from that that might just fit! [hider=My Hider] [img]https://static1.e621.net/data/d7/df/d7dfc747ecaee43189363f935f4c597f.jpg[/img] [/hider] Feel free to use it.