[hider=Azoth] [sup][i]Behind the Avatar[/i][/sup] [center] [h3][color=9e0b0f]N A M E[/color][/h3]Sean Wiseman [h3][color=9e0b0f]A G E[/color][/h3]24 [h3][color=9e0b0f]G E N D E R[/color][/h3]Male [h3][color=9e0b0f]B I O[/color][/h3]Always one with esoteric hobbies, Sean had a fascination with mythology and literature, which he pursued has a hobby for much of his life. A writer and an actor as well, he was considered by many to have a great flair for the dramatic. In his university courses, he undertook a major in English Literature, and a minor in Drama, falling very well in line with others' perceptions of him. To exercise his creativity and relieve stress amidst his studies, he took up playing YGGDRASIL with his friends, who together formed a roleplaying guild on their server. Though some dedicated efforts, they were able to rise to a fairly reputable position within the servers, helped no doubt by their playing mostly in the twilight of the game's existence. Even so, their guild was in the top 500 list globally, and they had amassed a fair collection of rare and powerful items, as well as a meticulously designed guild hall. However, guild drama eventually tore them apart, and Sean quit the game to focus on his studies. Sometime after graduation, as it was announced that the game would be shutting down, Sean joined onto a random server and guild to partake in the final-day festivities. Though his character was quite unusual compared to the others, he was none the less accepted with the spirit of good will and camaraderie. However, now that they have transitioned in the New World, one must wonder how he will be accepted, both by the other players and the new world's inhabitants. [h3][color=9e0b0f]T H E A V A T A R[/color][/h3] [h3][color=9e0b0f]N A M E[/color][/h3]Azoth Baal [img]https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s---WtWLWuE--/c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/a3hjk2wlfgw6240tyfnz.jpg[/img] [img]https://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/stormbringer/images/f/fd/Elric.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/336?cb=20160426212559[/img] [h3][color=9e0b0f]R A C E[/color][/h3] Dark Elf [i]Human-type[/i] [h3][color=9e0b0f]G E N D E R[/color][/h3]Male [h3][color=9e0b0f]L E V E L[/color][/h3]100 [h3][color=9e0b0f]A L I G N M E N T[/color][/h3]-300 [i]Evil[/i] [h3][color=9e0b0f]C L A S S[/color][/h3][b]Warlock[/b] Void Priest Chaos Sorcerer Hexblade Lord of Chaos Chaoskampf [i]etc[/i] [h3][color=9e0b0f]F I G H T I N G S T Y L E[/color][/h3]Azoth is a diversely-skilled DPS character, who also boasts a number of potent crowd control abilities. While not specced for PVP, he performs exceedingly well at it, as the high physical stats of the Warlock class are belied by his number of devastating offensive spells, and his Hexblade class and associated skills allow him to switch into a melee DPS/offtank and back again almost seamlessly. [h3][color=9e0b0f]S T R E N G T H S[/color][/h3]Azoth's offensive power is practically overwhelming. Facing against him is a nonstop brutal assault that even some of the most efficient tank/healer combos struggle to endure. His attacks allow for almost no openings, and possible weaknesses in his attack patterns can be covered for by his crowd control abilities. [h3][color=9e0b0f]W E A K N E S S E S[/color][/h3]Power comes at a cost, and in this New World, Azoth is paying dearly for his power. While the Warlock class features spells that cast from HP and other such risks, those can be mitigated in a game world with little worry. Now that the game has become reality, this risks now threaten both Azoth's life and his sanity. His evil, otherworldly patrons pull at him and demand both favor and sacrifice, and he can feel his cursed sword slowly draining his soul. Azoth teeters at the edge of the abyss, and only the willpower granted by his Dark Elven tenacity and extensive magical skill keep him from falling. [h3][color=9e0b0f]E Q U I P M E N T[/color][/h3][b]Stormsorrow, Daughter of the Void:[/b] Azoth's sentient runeblade, a Divine-class Artifact item, which he acquired from a rare event drop. In YGGDRASIL it was "cursed" in that it bound itself inseparably to his character, and forced him to sacrifice 5 class levels in order to accommodate the Hexblade class it forced onto him. In the New World, however, Stormsorrow is a malevolent entity with a mind of its own, exerting its influence over Azoth to corrupt him further, and drain the soul from his body. [b]Scales of Tiamat:[/b] Azoth's Divine-class armor, as mutable in form as the chaos wyrm for which they are named. Normally casters such as Azoth cannot wear heavy armor, but his Hexblade class grants him an exception which permits him to use this armor (normally reserved for such classes as Death Knights). [h3][color=9e0b0f]A B I L I T I E S[/color][/h3][b]Grimoire of Shadows:[/b] By observing a non-offensive spell being cast, Azoth can inscribe the spell in this otherworldly spellbook, which he can summon and dismiss at will. Spells listed in the grimoire can be cast by Azoth outside of combat, even if they normally cannot be learned by his classes. Any buffs applied by these spells drop from him when entering combat, making it purely a utility ability. [b]Power Word: Kill:[/b] Azoth can utter a word that causes creatures below a certain level and HP threshold to die instantly, but otherwise has no effect. [b]Chain Master:[/b] Azoth can summon a lesser magical familiar, typically in the form of some sort of imp, which he can use to remotely cast spells, borrow its senses, and a variety of other utilities. [b]Shroud of Shadow:[/b] Azoth can cast Invisibility at will, without expending mana. [b]Blade-Bound:[/b] Bonded forever to his runeblade, Stormsorrow, Azoth can summon it at will, reform it should it be damaged in some way, and can alter its specific form into a variety of melee implements, as befits a sword of chaos. [b]Entropic Ward:[/b] Enemy attacks have a greater chance of missing Azoth while this ability is active, and he cannot be critically hit. [b]Thought Shield:[/b] Azoth's thoughts cannot be read without his allowance, and any Psychic damage he takes is reflected back to whatever inflicted it. [b]Create Thrall:[/b] Any incapacitated humanoid can be permanently enthralled by Azoth and used in much the same manner as a summon, until the spell is broken or he chooses another thrall. He can telepathically communicate with his thrall, but cannot have more than one at a time. [b]Enslave Outsider:[/b] Azoth can cast Dominate Monster at will without expending mana on Outsiders such as Fiends, Celestials or Elementals. Will occupy his single Dominate Monster creature allowance. [b]Shadow Hound:[/b] Azoth's shadow can take the form of a beast of pure darkness, and can then enter the shadow of another creature. As long as it merged in this manner, the creature cannot gain cover bonuses, and Azoth is always aware of where the creature is and the distance between himself and it. The target has a vague feeling of dread as long as the Shadow Hound is present. [h3][color=9e0b0f]V I E W[/color][/h3]Azoth has the countenance of a fey, otherwordly ruler. Mortals in his presence become instinctively aware of the power he wields, and the more magically attuned can sense the presence of his dark patrons. Stormsorrow seethes with evil energy, and is a black hole in reality when detected by magical means. Mortals craven enough would see Azoth as a god among men, and a king among gods. [/center] [/hider]