[@Sapphire][@Samdragonx] Mizu tilted her head to the side as she watched him collapse like a tonne of bricks to the floor. She peered at him as she leaned forward, her hands on her knees. "oh dear oh dear, I hate it when they faint. Maybe I should get a moist towlette or something..." she bumped her fist lightly against her head, trying to think. Perhaps he'd like to wake up in the sandcastle? Yes yes, that seems like a good idea. Mizu began to try and drag him towards it, but she was too tiny to move his big frame by herself and she couldn't get him to budge an inch. After straining and digging her feet into the sand, she plopped down with a sigh. In the distance, a beam of light shot down from the sky. Mizu cowered back. "oh no, the heavens are mad at me for scaring the nice man..." she murmured to herself, staring up at it with big eyes. Well, in this case, there was only one thing to do! Bring the sandcastle to him. Mizu shifted her hands into little paws and began to bury the man up to his neck in sand. When she was satisfied with her work, she called over to the lady drinking nearby. "Excuse me! This nice man has fainted! Do you happen to have a moist towlette?"