[@Old Amsterdam][@Obscurus] [hr] [H3] Heroes Cafe - Harpies[/h3] [hr] Alex opened a portal directly into Roxana's bedroom. "Please. Go change and come back through in armor. For me. "Is it safe to come out?" Roxana looked down. "There's ceiling?" "Of course. You're in the Cafe, and I have a portal right next to you to get you home to save your pretty clothes," Alex laughed slightly. She held on to Alex' arms, crouching slightly as she came out into her room. Five minutes of undressing and a little cuddling with her plush dog later, Spectrum walked out, glowing slightly white. "OK, what do I have to do?" "Something is wrong with those Harpies. But I can't get to their nest." "Up high...?" Spectrum shifted uneasily from one foot to the other "In the building, yes. I think that's what that meant." The mask's eyes narrowed. "I get what up means. It's just... Close to the sky..." Spectrum wrapped her arms around herself. It wasn't easly to get that image of a wide, gasping space out of her head. "Just into the building. Please, Rox. I can't. I can't. I can't," Alex said, shaking her head furiously. Spectrum found her courage, and hugged her friend. "I gotta go up and find out what the problem is, right?" "Yes. They're not right. And we're just pissing them off more." "OK," Spectrum said, taking three steps and lifting into the sky on a shade of bright blue. The building was mostly apartments, with a single floor left separate between the people and the harpies. A lot of middle-class or lower buildings had the same arrangement, though the rich paid absurd amounts of money to have the harpies chased from their penthouse homes. The empty floor, called 13 even if it was only 9 storeys up, was where she landed. It was dusty, and empty, but she heard a strange sound... Going white both to illuminate and to be ready with a shield, she walked through the empty building to find... A crackle of blue lightning from a floor above. She only caught a glimpse, but that was enough for her to know. It was one of the scarier monsters in the City. A man-eater, and she threw herself backwards out of the building in fright. She stopped, hovering about four feet away from a giant Epic's face. She could probably sit on his shoulder like a little fairy, she thought, giggling a little at the thought. "Um, hello," she said to him, watching the footprints he left in the tarmac heal. "Could you lend me one of your hands?" [hr] [H3] Dragon Heart - Central Park [/h3] [hr] "Fuck," Dragon swore, rolling the word out into a long, long groan. Blacklight was a jackass. Hopefully he wouldn't have trouble tonight after that, though the little shit probably would laugh himself sick if that ruined Dragon's date. He rolled to his feet, staggering over to Magus, one of the few Epics he related to. The guy, despite his powers, always kept his head on straight, unlike the pair wrestling the snapper. Was that Vice? Kid should know better. Dragon clapped a hand to Magus' shoulder. "Morning, Magus. We missed you at the rat thing the other night. Lady or criminal keep you busy?" At least one of the Epics, a woman close to his age with Ray-man hands, had been smart and backed off. Vice, on the other hand... "Hey, Vice, no point showboating it!" He yelled over. "Magus is right! Just leave it alone and keep everyone back!" [@Sedjwick][@Athoriel][@Banana][@RoflsMazoy]