[b]Appearance:[/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/a1/8f/ed/a18fed52d638181fb57b7477801b6de8.jpg[/img] [b]Age:[/b] 22 years [b]Name:[/b] Kahleen Alexai of Leththandrial // Alexai Luthor [b]Nickname/Alias:[/b] "Serpent" [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Personality:[/b] Alexai is a person who doesn't reveal a lot about herself. She likes to keep her past in the past and her intentions in the dark, mostly. She is an independent woman, who is proud to be able to take care of herself, she will never accept anyone to provide for her. She's too proud to let that happen. Alexai despises cruelty against animals or children and will never participate in such, if she can by any means avoid it. She respects loyalty and honesty. Though she doesn't really tell the truth herself, she tries to no tell lies if not needed. But that doesn't work too well with her, her identity is a big lie of it's own after all. She doesn't mind stealing from the wealthy or middle class people, but she avoids to steal from anyone that has barely enough to survive. She will not hesitate to kill someone if they attack her or endanger her safety in any kind of way. [b]Biography:[/b] Alexai was born with the name Kahleen Alexai in the kingdom Leththandrial as the throne princess. She grew up in a middle sized palace with the best education she could get and with too much trouble qualities. She was a little black sheep for the King and Queen and for the people that worked in the palace. She was in the public eye, was loved and adored for no other reason but for being 'the princess'. Long story short: Kahleen fell in love with a normal girl, typical story, happened a thousand times, the difference was that her parents were okay with it, even if they kept telling her that she couldn't expect to marry that person, to lead a life with her. Kahleen ignored them. The woman she had fallen in love was a secret to the outside world, but the two women didn't mind, they were in their own world anyway. From the age of 16 to 19 they were dating, and then her girlfriend died. She had been killed by a group of people that had planned to get into the palace for a while. Having seen how the girl was able to enter and leave the palace seemingly as she pleased, they wanted to get information out of her on the insides of the palace, the guards, the royal family, who she was seeing in there and all the like. But the young woman refused to speak and had to pay with her life. Heartbroken, devastated and feeling guilty for the fate of her girlfriend, Kahleen couldn't stand to be in that building anymore. So one night she ran, ran away from the palace, the responsibility, the memories, the country that was hers to lead one day. That is three years ago. The kingdom has never stopped searching and there are people even so far away from Leththandrial that know of the missing princess. When Kahleen first engaged with a stranger, far away from home, hungry, wet from the pouring rain and scared, she told the man her name was Alexai. The name that was only ever used by her girlfriend. [i]("I know you." A soft hand touched her cheek and her eyes lifted from the ground to look at the deep galaxy that was within the eyes of the woman she loved. "You're princess Kahleen to them. But you will always be my Alexai. With no care in the world and with no burden on her shoulders.")[/i] She soon realized that in the world no one would offer her food or water or a warm blanket if she had nothing to give in return. In her desire to survive she started to steal the things she needed. At first, she hated it, hated the feeling of it, hated knowing that she didn't have anything. But with every day that passed she realized more that she was free. No duty, no people telling her what to do, no burden to lead a kingdom one day. And she started to enjoy the life she had found herself in. Everything she had done, led her right to where she was now. [b]Time within the guild:[/b] Two and a half months [b]Skills:[/b] Silent and quick on her feet, hiding, climbing, perfect aim with the arrow and bow, precise usage of knives/daggers (in any way), stealing things from basically underneath people's eyes, flirting her way into or out of things, picking locks [b]Equipment:[/b] Arrows and a bow, two daggers (one in her boot and one at her waist), a few coins (not much really), a stolen rope