“I won’t,” Will said with confidence as Fredricks walked away, not waiting because he didn’t want him to hear or anything like that. He smiled down at Estella at her thanks, shrugging some like it was no big deal. She might not be the perfect fit, but she could get them up in the air today, then getting a ‘more qualified’ mechanic was a worry of another day. “C’mon,” he said with a heavy sigh after a moment and started into the ship again. “I can help you out getting things back into order. I know some things, just not enough to do it myself all the time. I’m good at taking orders as needed too.” It was what he’d been doing on and off for the last few years anyways, when they had need of it. Rebeca smiled at Roger over her shoulder. “Oh it's fine, aside from the engine being all over the engine room. But the old girl will be up and soaring soon enough, I'm sure.” She lead them through the ship to a little galley with one table and a hodgepodge of seats around it. She had pointedly not looked at Fredricks as they had passed him and acted like he wasn't even there. There was a teapot with a cozy on it already on the table as well as a stack of cups and saucers. It was something that was very casual and heavily American in some respects. “I hope my tea is up to your standards,” she said in a joking tone to Bea. “I'm better at coffee, but I understand that's not always a preference with Her Majesty's subject's.” Bea smiled and laughed some. “As long as it isn't burnt, I'll be fine. I have absentmindedly made some bad cups of tea in my time.” Rebeca smiled more and set about getting cups set out for them before pouring and then pushing over the milk and sugar for them to make it to their own tastes.