[@Hazy] Had an idea for a 'team kid' of sorts, if you'll have him. [hider=Kai] Appearance: [hider=Former pirate kid][img]http://pre01.deviantart.net/48c5/th/pre/i/2014/296/d/b/pirate_boy_by_rukavermillion15-d83u7q2.jpg[/img] http://rukavermillion15.deviantart.com/art/Pirate-boy-490177946 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/[/hider] Age: 15 Name: Kai Seymour Nickname/Alias: Sea Urchin Gender: Male Personality: Kai is a rather expressive individual. He usually makes his feelings, as well his as thoughts and opinions quite clear to those around him, even when they hardly make him sound smart. He is bold, impulsive, and headstrong, and will do what it takes to survive when the situation demands it. Kai misses his old crew and his life out at sea, and often thinks of those times. This is apparent as he frequently goes back to the waterfront at night to sit by the harbor while gazing out into the waters. Biography: Kai was raised and trained out at sea by his pirate father and his crew. During his childhood, he witnessed countless successful plunders by the pirates. Seeing the men whom he practically considered family live their lives by taking what they wanted by force, the then young and impressionable Kai readily took after their ways, and he was contented with his life as far as he knew. However, everything changed one day when they chose the wrong target to rob - an enemy vessel with a crew they could not overpower. This failure resulted in the death of Kai's father and his men, leaving the terrified teenager hiding as a stowaway on the enemy ship. He eventually made his escape when the ship arrived at the waterfront of Luthias City. Since then, Kai had been surviving by the only way he knew how to - by taking what he needed, whenever he needed it, and by any means necessary. Skills: Swordsmanship and firearm handling. (I'll include ship steering and sea navigation, though those are probably not going to matter in this RP.) Equipment: Cutlass, flintlock pistol. [/hider]