[quote=@Member 00492] If recruiting keeps going up there's no need for two characters per player. Right now we're at 16 or 17 accepted players with another 4 players submitting CS's. I had originally only planned for the game to be half the size with around 10 players with 2 characters each tops by Ep 5. We're coming up on 20 players now before I make any cuts and we're not even on Episode 5 yet.[/quote] So now I have to change Solara's motivation for staying in the time period. So unless a Leaguer or someone outside the League can provide her with an actual reason why she should stay and not time travel back to her time period, looks like she will succeed. You are planning on making cuts or you could just not accept so many. You had no problem rejecting characters & capping the limit in Titans Beyond.