[quote=@Burning Kitty] So now I have to change Solara's motivation for staying in the time period. So unless a Leaguer or someone outside the League can provide her with an actual reason why she should stay and not time travel back to her time period, looks like she will succeed. You are planning on making cuts or you could just not accept so many. You had no problem rejecting characters & capping the limit in Titans Beyond. [/quote] Titans beyond was meant to be a smaller cast. This is the exact opposite. You don't have to change anything, as I was still gonna let the meeting between Goldstar and Solara happen in a future Ep. I can't give everybody a character-centric episode right out of the gate. If you can't wait, that's on you. But I'm not gonna change the entirety of the game and the order of the episodes to accommodate one player's story if it doesn't fit with the current direction. Everyone will have their chance to shine. Right now things are as they are to work the Secret Society angle. I don't need divas, I need dedicated players. -00492