[quote=@Milkman] [@Flagg]How about something along this line? [hider][img]http://pre06.deviantart.net/2c1f/th/pre/i/2014/348/1/0/the_hero_of_ardentoura___emegen_by_ertacaltinoz-d89nxbr.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=wip] Name: Guhkra Khurix Race: [non-human races allowed, be sure to describe how your people fit into the setting. upfront warning: I will be persnickety about what nonhumans I allow] Nationality/Nation description: Confederacy of Nagath The Confederacy if Nagath is a loose confederation of tribes that swore alliegence to Chieftan Khurix himself. The confederacy is build upon protection against the one true mutual enemy, the Justinian Empire. Alone no tribe stands a chance against the armies of the empire but united the confederacy has managed to score a number of stunning victories against invading armies from the Marches. The first principal of the confederacy is that every tribe governs herself. No other tribe or even Gukra Khurix himself can intervene in internal affairs of a tribe. The second principal is that the council of Chieftans is the primary body of government that manages any affairs that ascend the jurisdiction of a single tribe. When two or more member tribes have a dispute over land, women or other things, the member tribes must ask the council to pass judgement that all sides have to accept. The third principal is the principal of mutual defense. If a member tribe gets into conflict with an outside force, be it the armies of the empire or a non-member tribe, all tribes are bound to come to the aid of others. Also the council and Guhkra Khurix can call upon the tribes to supply warriors for a campaign. Occupation: Head of the Council of Chieftans, Chieftan of the Dorak-Ka tribe of beastmen. Religion: Appearance: [Description required, pictures optional.] Personality: Biography: Equipment: [note the nature of your Dark Artifact] Skills: Motivation:[/Hider] [/quote] I'm ok with the image and with gnoll/kobold type beastkin. Just would note that this is a character-focused RP, not so much a faction based one, so I'm not sure such a prominent faction leader with like, armies at his disposal would quite work.