[quote]Character Name: Oswalt von Kesselbrood Race: Human Gender: M Age: 42 Career: Mercenary Captain Skillsets: Expert Drinker, competent sword fighter/brawler, solid commander, secret dabbler in the dark arts. Weapons: arming sword, dagger, flintlock pistol. Attire: weathered leather jerkin, white shirt, dark pants and heavy, travelworn leather boots. When traveling will wear a dark leather duster, and occasionally a jaunty hat, his one concession to vanity. Equipment/Other: dented flask, coin purse. Secretly carries a slim volume of the Odes Unsung, a Bretonnian book of necromantic lore. Physical Description: Of average height and build, shaved bald, with pale grey eyes and a thick black mustache. Cheeks gaunt and pockmarked with scars of the plague. On the left of his mouth, his lips are notched by a nasty scar, giving him a permanent- if slight- sneer. Mental Description/Personality: Plain spoken, gruff, with a biting sense of humor, Kesselbrood is fairly unflappable, having seen much of what the Old World can throw at a sellsword and lived to tell the tale. Kesselbrood generally plays things close to the chest and keeps his own council, not least because- as a dabbler in the black arts- he has plenty of his own secrets to keep. Background/History: WIP[/quote] WELL STRUCK AZUMGI, JUST LIKE BALGOR AND HROTHI AT KARAK NORN