[@boomlover] [quote=@FlitterFaux] I'm a fan of characters with mental problems (as if that wasn't obvious) but it's hard to avoid the edginess that often comes with that.. I dunno, I guess think about what you want out of your guy and his interactions with others before saying yay or nay to a major change? [/quote] I'm with Flitter here. Side note, psychopathy and sociopathy are not recognized terms in the DSM, and the closest diagnosis is Antisocial Personality Disorder. Murderous, explosive rage tends to be covered by Intermittent Explosive Disorder, too. Go ahead and PM me if you'd like to make this work - I tend to roleplay characters with crippling neurological disorders from time to time and I can drop you some tips for when you get accepted. IMO the key is to not make it the entire character's personality.