I hate it when people say they're [i]"Just having a mooch."[/i] when what they actually mean is they have no intention of making a decision and they're actually just being nosy. I mean is it really so hard to say what you mean? Honesty...thats what society lacks nowadays! People and their mooching is just the epitome of a dishonest world full of fakes and liars. Going to pot...thats whats happening...the world is going to pot. Don't even get me started on americanisms that make no sense to Brits. (Like the Mooch being a person...^^; just sounds like a block buster about a pensioners day out in Merry Hill. [i]Voice-over man voice[/i] The Mooch, coming to a cinema near you. [i]Old lady's voice[/i] Ooh look over here Deidre, this cardigan is half price! ...but you can't use this example ^^)