[quote=@Lurking Shadow] [@Override] Interested, though I'd like for some info on the limits of a Lycan character. Specifically concerning the shifting of forms between man and beast. 1) does this occur at will? or does it have a trigger such as when under stress? 2) In Lycan form (or whichever term you'd prefer), are they able to keep this form indefinitely? or do they have a limited amount of time? 3) Lycanthropes being commonly depicted as being instinctual, would the ones in this RP have some sort of urge for blood lust (similar to how one would occasionally get hungry)? Lastly, not a question but a comment, I've not yet done a PvP/Arena RP yet so I may be somewhat slow to posting as I read other's post to gauge how I should structure mine. Anyways, This would be a good opportunity for me to finish up on a CS based somewhat off of the Hound of Ulster [/quote] I can't believe I didn't mention this! Seems important though doesn't? Haha. I'll edit this in. It's an at will shift. It's painful and usually takes a few minutes. Though I will say that more experienced Lycans can change faster with less pain. Basically the more you do it the easier and less painful it gets. Some Lycans hated the experience so much that they choose not to shift at all. These are usually seen as cowerdly. Every freshly turned Lyan is turned by being bitten and they have to change in a couple days or they die. They keep the form for as long as they wish along with complete human level intelligence. In wolf form they just seem to know how to use all their extra senses. An instinct thing. With their human level intelligence they don't have all the normal bloodlust. They can hunt and raw animal meat and such tastes good to them. They have to choose to though. As for the arena thing, it's a new thing I am trying so it'll be an interesting experience for us both mate.