[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjIyNzFlYy5VMkZ5WVNCTGFXMXZkRzgsLjE,/my-font-addiction.regular.png[/img][hr] As far as Sara was concerned it was a day like any other. Upon waking up she put on a pot of coffee not because she enjoyed drinking it but because it made her seem more sophisticated and adult-like even if the ultimate result was taking two, maybe three, sips and then promptly dumping the bitter hot brown water down the nearest drain. She wasn't even sure who got her the coffee maker and beans but by this point she was quite sure it was a joke. It was probably Rog from HR. Rog was always getting on Sara's case about improper office etiquette but it wasn't exactly her fault that the company internet had a block on websites or that it documented employees trying to access these websites. Rog was one reason why Sara preferred doing her layout work from home, where she had two monitors and headphones (the latter at the request of her neighbors) and a means to shut out anything other than the images on said monitors. It could've also been SyDar, a junior member of the Spirits Circle who assumed the best way to get more of their art in the independently produced publication was by bribing the senior members. Where they got the idea that Sara, or SaKay as she was known in the S.C., was a coffee drinker confused her. Maybe they misunderstood her late-night submissions for 'works super late' rather than simply 'doesn't go to bed until super early'. Whatever it was, she had a bulk bag of coffee beans to slowly dump down the drain and she would do it even if it meant having to taste the bitter swill every morning. Or whenever she woke up. Comments on the internet once suggested trying to put alcohol in coffee but Sara couldn't imagine wasting perfectly good booze on perfectly bad coffee. It'd probably only end up with a bitter tasting spirit and Sara was absolutely not okay with that. The coffee pot was bubbling as the black sludge poured into the mug that was adorned with a cartoon character with a witch hat. Just the character's head as anything below that would likely raise questions apart from the usual "What's that from?". The answer was more a conversation piece than anything else. The character, Frost Witch, was an original creation from the series that earned Sara a position within the Spirits Circle. Frost Witch was a popular character thanks in no small part to Sara's detailed eye for proportions and compromising situations. The group got the initially submitted character piece printed on a mug for Sara's first appearance at a convention as an artist rather than a guest. While the coffee was pouring itself, Sara was enjoying her breakfast, such as it was, which consisted of two hard boiled eggs and a blueberry muffin purchased a week ago and was already in the process of going stale. The muffin came in a six pack and at the low price it was so difficult to resist. Sara found that the muffins, when appropriately warmed, were a good companion piece to her normal egg themed breakfast. She had more food in the pantry and freezer, but she knew just enough about cooking to make eggs, cereal, and things that either required a microwave or hot water in a single pot. [color=00FFFF]"I need to buy more eggs."[/color] Sara mused when grabbing two from the carton in the fridge. She was down to her last carton and there were just four left. At some point in the weekend a trip to the market was in store. On a good day she came home with twenty four eggs. On a great day that number was bumped to thirty six, depending on sales and coupons. When the pot dinged, Sara carried her emptied plate and placed it in the sink while grabbing her mug. One sip. A second. Down the drain with the coffee and under the water went the mug. With breakfast out of the way, it was time for the day to continue as normal, which was to say Sara was going to plop herself down in her 'work room' where she was unlikely to return until nature called or hunger struck, whichever came first. Some days she forgot to change out of her pajamas, but today saw her remembering to put on regular clothes. If an oversized navy blue sweater and matching blue shorts counted as regular. If nothing else it had the illusion that the sweater was her only article of clothing, which would've had its fun little benefits if her life was at all like the media she consumed and contributed to on a regular basis. As far as Sara was concerned it was a day like any other. She had no layouts to worry about as the magazine had just released this month's issue to newsstands and mailboxes yesterday, and the Circle was busy getting their booth for an upcoming convention and Sara would worry about her art closer to con day; not exactly the most time conscious plan but then not everyone had the power of hyperfocus as Sara did. And she didn't even need coffee to do it. With her time free, she entered the work room and sat on the stool in front of her desk. Two monitors greeted her with an art tablet off to the side, the little light still showing it to be charging. Both monitors were turned on. Headphones were cupped over her ears. Volume was turned up. And for the next foreseeable hours, Sara's time would be consumed by the images and words flashing through both monitors. Nothing could stir her from her natural habitat. After all, this was a day like any other. Not even the furious knocking at her door was enough to break her attention. She hadn't ordered anything, why would anyone be outside? As far as Sara was concerned it was a day like any other. [/center] [sub][@Archmage MC][@KawaiiKyouko][/sub]