[hr][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170613/f3495278dd3e95939ac9306cc0903cb6.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/QkmEk5HeliUog/giphy.gif[/img][/center] [center][b][color=66CDAA]Location:[/color][/b] Outside the [i]Twelve Daggers[/i] Tavern – Port of Tortuga [b][color=66CDAA]Inspirational Video:[/color][/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3KgbWmRoPM]a woman in a world built for men | multifandom[/url] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170725/ba0bd397233db3ff353c9403bcaa2380.png[/img] [/center][hr][hr] Only the most hardened of hearts would not break a little at the pure terror in this little girl's demeanor. And Sirena was no exception. She felt the girl's pain almost as if it were her own. Her brows furrowed in response to the tearful reply she was given. The gears quickly started turning in Sirena's head as she sought out a logical explanation for the mother's disappearance. Unfortunately, the majority of the conclusions she came to did not bode well. For one, the mother could have been kidnapped. Though the little girl would have to be a heavy sleeper to sleep through her mother being kidnapped in their own home. That's not to say that the possibility is entirely ruled out. It could have been a well coordinated kidnapping. Another possibility is that perhaps the mother had left the house and was kidnapped, or murdered, while out. Why a mother would leave her toddler home alone needed an explanation in and of itself though. Now there was one other potential explanation that came to her mind, and the mere thought of it made her blood run cold. The mother could have purposefully abandoned her child. Regardless of what had actually taken place that night, one thing was clear. This little girl was all alone. That subsequently left her vulnerable to a world that was more twisted than her young mind could possibly comprehend. She was a little girl in a world built for men. Sirena had seen and experienced firsthand what powerful men, and even some women, could do to a young, impressionable girl. If she had any say about it, she would not let another girl endure what she herself has had to endure. To come so close to being utterly and irreparably violated by men on more than one occasion. And the way they chipped away parts of her soul, piece by piece, time and time again. Sirena would not be able to forgive herself if she stood idly by while this little girl was vulnerable to a similar, if not worse, fate. She would help the girl in whatever way she deemed was in the girl's best interest. In the meantime, she would keep her safe, and anyone who dared try to harm the girl would meet Sirena's swift retribution. [color=66CDAA]"Su seguro conmigo. Todo va a estar bien. Me aseguraré de ello,"[/color] she said reassuringly to the little girl. She hoped that the soft tone of her voice would have a calming effect on her. She remained kneeling at the girl's level. She was suddenly jostled by someone as they passed. She had to quickly throw her hands back behind her to catch herself. [color=66CDAA]"¡Mira hacia donde vas!"[/color] she exclaimed in annoyance, still in Spanish mode. Her gaze went up sharply, and she was able to catch a glimpse of who had bumped her. But this was the last person she had been expecting to find. [color=66CDAA]"Mr. Alucard,"[/color] she breathed. She quickly got to her feet and grabbed the hand of the little girl before calling out to the man sharply. [color=66CDAA]"Mr. Alucard!"[/color] He had some explaining to do. [hr][hr] [hr][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170629/6b97076df64c5044e82333e282e2fda1.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/YwlMxIxht9CMw/giphy.gif[/img][/center] [center][b][color=B22222]Location:[/color][/b] [i]Twelve Daggers[/i] Tavern – Port of Tortuga [b][color=B22222]Mood Music:[/color][/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_HefhZfWN4]"Trouble" by Valerie Broussard[/url] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170725/c4ee5c4acab74e08ae9d4763f1051695.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170725/012a1ded183d6eb3cf15d54e34618295.png[/img] [/center][hr][hr] The corner of Edgard's lips pulled up into a smirk at Édouard's ignorance. The man did not have even an inkling of a clue that his quartermaster was talking about his [I]precious[/I] Mademoiselle Ikaria. Granted, the man did not have a clue about much of anything to begin with. Nevertheless, it would prove to be a rather interesting topic of conversation to bring up. After all, Edgard did love to cause a little trouble, and this was sure not to disappoint. Édouard would likely not take kindly to what he had said and done to Sirena, but he was not afraid of the man's so-called wrath. Besides, he figured it would not be too difficult to put doubt into Édouard's mind regarding Sirena's trustworthy. Perhaps he could even pit the two against each other. As far as Edgard saw it, Sirena deserved a little hell after the stunt she tried to pull. Edgard rolled his eyes at the irony of Édouard's mockery of the crew. Needless to say, he was glad when he was able to divert the conversation to a more pressing, business-related matters. He practically let out a snort at the cryptic information the witch had provided. [color=B22222]"Une théorie? Comment cela devrait-il nous aider? Nous avons besoin de quelque chose de plus concret qu'une théorie,"[/color] he retorted. He let out a sigh of frustration and rubbed his temple between his fingers for a moment. [color=B22222]"Si ce qu'elle a dit est vraiment vrai, alors nous devons découvrir comment tuer un fantôme,"[/color] he added after some thought. [color=B22222]"Certes, si la puissance du ballon est dérivée du fantôme, la destruction de celui-ci rendrait le flacon inutile. Peut-être le contenir est une meilleure option."[/color]