Here's my hand at a cleric of some pretty no nonsense Gods, but who is ultimatly doing what he belives is the best for others. I still need to figure out the backstory but that's about it, thinking something along the lines of lightning bolts and insecticide. [hr] [hider=Mortarion // WIP][h1][b][i][color=688E23][center]Mortarion[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img][/img][/center] [h1][color=688E23][center]Character Summary[/center][/color][/h1] [b]Name:[/b] It's just Mortarion now. [b]Age:[/b] Old [b]Race:[/b] Beetle [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Class/Job:[/b] Alchemist, Cleric, Doctor, and Mortician [b]Appearance:[/b] Mortarion is an incredibly tall being, towering over most other insects save for Mantis', though with how he kneels low to the ground most people don't particularly notice. When it comes to clothing he wears little more than torn black rags that covor most of his body. [h3][color=688E23]Belongings[/color][/h3][list] [*]Wyrdstaff: A multipurpose tool that has become synonymous with the wandering cleric. [*]Obsydian Dagger: Not a weapon per-say but when it comes to carving through flesh there is nothing better. [*]Wanderer's Cart: As he has no home himself, Mortarion carries his belongings with him in a personal rickety cart. If he's staying in a city for any extended amount of time he makes arrangement's for proper storage. [*]Healer's Bag: A bag filled with ancient looking tools that are nonetheless in perfect working condition, it won't feel very nice but you'll pull through. [*]Dark Satchel: A much smaller bag filled with various vials and tinctures, all of them deadly and incredibly painful if mishandled. [/list] [h3][color=688E23]Skills and Abilities[/color][/h3][list] [*]Primordial Gifts: Thanks to the various alchemical concoctions he's imbibed over the years Mortarion is much stronger than he appears, both in physical might and bodily constitution. Disease does not touch him and he's as strong as he ever was in his prime, his own blood sour and rotten to any curious nibbler. [*]Medical Professional: Mortarion is an accomplished surgeon, a skill he honed by dredging through battlefields for survivors. His methods of healing, however, are very painful as he does not use any anesthetic besides a burning brew of his own making. You either fight through the pain and survive or let it consume you and perish. [*]Vermin Empathy: There is a certain kindred between the various verminous creatures found on Entomos and himself. They don't mind his presence nor he theirs, and a gentle coexistence breeds between the two. [*]Dark Alchemy: Through his communes with his Gods, Mortarion has amassed a great treasure trove of alchemical poisons and drugs. Able to curdle the blood of his foes while giving his allies the strength of ten beetles. Beware, however, as each of his drugs has their own price on one's body. [/list] [sup]"Be still child, your insides will stay on the outside if you keep squirming."[/sup] [h3][color=688E23]Personality[/color][/h3] Mortarion is a stark, sinister figure who marchers throughout the lands by the whims of his fickle Gods. However he is not a malevolent entity, and in fact has saved countless lives over the years. It's just that Mortarion has a religious fixation on pain, viewing it as the crucible of which true strength is born from and that rubs many people the wrong way. Let it be known that he does not view himself as a cruel man, on the contrary, he has a great passion for life, it's just that he goes about spreading it in a way most people frown upon. Ultimatly Mortarion is a compassionate old codger who only wants to bring out that inner fire in everyone no matter their race or creed, and no matter how dour his mood may appear or how dry his wit may bite, everything he does is for the betterment of others. Whether they wish it upon them or not. [h3][color=688E23]History[/color][/h3] [/hider]