[@Archangel89][@71452K][@EurmalEye][@Mr Rage][@Rockette][@Rizza][@deadpixel101] I'm tagging everyone like crazy today, but there is another thing I have to go through. As you all probably know, roleplaying is a battle with activity and commitment. I won't blame anyone who wants out, but I know it's really difficult for some to say it, so they just 'disappear'. I'm just going to say that that's fine. I won't start a witch hunt or put you on a shitlist. I'll simply bump the interest check and get someone else. For posting, we'd rather take quality over quantity. Remember to check the rules for the roleplay. First, the "React, Act, Observe, and Reflect"-scheme for posts, and then the "no wait"-policy. As for length, my first post is what I'd consider a 'comfortable' post. It's not too long, it's not too short. Of course, you'll have to go over it or under it depending on situation in the roleplay, but always refer back to 'quality over quantity' in that regard.