[h2]Saber[/h2] In all honesty, it was hard not to say that Saber looked nice. One could say that it was because all Servants were heroes of legend, and many of those legends went to great lengths extolling how handsome or beautiful their subjects were. Regardless of the reason, it was clear that, in spite of her stern behavior and expression, Saber was a highly beautiful young woman. Her long, black hair flowed loosely, now, as she had dissipated the bows keeping it in place. Her features were delicate and fine. Saber's feelings on the outfit she had been given were rather straightforward. Though it fit somewhat tightly in certain areas, it was roughly the right size for someone of her height and she could move in it easily. She trailed behind her Master in total silence, though with every step her eyes roved over their surroundings. Her senses were on high alert, she was prepared for attack at any moment. They maybe not have registered with the Overseer yet, but that meant absolutely nothing. They could be attacked regardless, and so it only made sense to pay attention to their surroundings. On top of that, this let her familiarize herself with this area. "... Thank you, Master," Saber said, rather flatly. But this was not out of lack of concern, no. No matter how much she was complimented, it had always made the young woman's heart beat slightly faster and her cheeks color with embarrassment. It was never something she was used to in life, and it remained something she was unable to become used to as a heroic spirit. "... But..." She hesitated, deciding to focus on some potentially-interesting area of the scenery as she followed her Master. "... I... would prefer you keep your compliments to my combat prowess rather then my appearance, if possible," she concluded. Given her reaction, it would be clear it was to attempt to avoid embarrassment as opposed to anything else. [@Feyblue] [hr] [h2]Estelle Varianbec, Master of Rider[/h2] Ah... this was Rider's Noble Phantasm, wasn't it? The small girl had felt the impact, but she'd told him. She'd told him that her prana would allow him so much freedom... and it was true. Even if she felt the impact, her supply could handily support it. She was not one of the greatest accomplishments of the Varianbec family for nothing... ... As well as their last member... She'd been brought into this world after they disappeared. All those who surrounded her were homunculus maids, created in order to help care for her. She didn't know what what happened. But what she had been left with, was the holy grail. The knowledge and power she would need to take it. A catalyst to be used to summon a powerful Servant who would surely win. In all honesty, there was not a single doubt in the small girl's mind of what the outcome of this war would be. Estelle would take the holy grail. It was what her family had left her with. She wouldn't fail. She couldn't fail. She wouldn't allow herself to. Besides, who in this war was better-equipped to take it then her? Nodding to herself, the tan-skinned girl pulled herself into the chariot and settled in. "Let's go, Rider!" she declared, "We're going to take our first step to victory!" [@Blackstripe]