[@Kafka Komedy] I don't mean to be a stickler, and the GM also hasn't said anything, so take whatever I say with a grain of salt, but while the GM mentioned that Mantises use Chinese names, I think the GM forgot to mention what names the beetles use. From the name Rokurou, however, I deduce that beetles use Japanese naming conventions, which makes sense since Samurai and beetles are often thematically linked. [@Thecrash20]: My point then is that while Xiao Ke is an acceptably Chinese sounding name, the title of Seieibushi is a clearly Japanese sounding term, as is the name Kabu (which breeds confusion as it reminds one of kabuto, a Japanese term referring both to samurai armor and to beetles). Kana is reminiscent of kama, a Japanese sickle weapon (perfect for mantises). And while the Elite Warrior class does make me think about Samurai and Bushido, I'm not going to criticize it on the basis that this is world-building and there's no point for me to restrict you in that way. My main reason for bringing any of this up is simply to point out that while you are using a Chinese sounding name for your character, almost every other term you use evokes the Japanese language. [@Pathfinder]: I think beetles are supposed to use Japanese names, but will need the GM to verify this. Also, I'm Chinese and watch a ton of anime, so I'm quite familiar with the blatant and subtle differences between Chinese and Japanese. Again, not trying to be an ass, and the GM didn't seem to disapprove, just pointing it out in case y'all wanted to make minor tweaks for a more consistent, water-tight CS. I suppose I should also open my character up for criticism, to be fair. I took French in High School, but I'm terrible at it, so feel free to rip me apart. [hr] On a completely unrelated note, if the Civil War is sparked by an assassination, I'd love for it to be in a 'House of Pleasure', where my character Michel just happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and gets hopelessly dragged into the party's quest for answers. maybe Spymaster Dr. Thaddeus Tonnere (from Michel's backstory) has a hand in the assassination, or maybe he's a red herring.