[hr][hr][h3][b][i][center][color=a187be]Kyra [/color] & [color=82ca9d]Sana[/color][/center][/i][/b][/h3] [center][b][color=a187be]Location:[/color][/b] Cross Swords Tavern/Apothecary/Merchant/Smithy [b][color=a187be]Interacting With:[/color][/b] Various ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~[/center] Kyra cocked a brow towards Satilla as she took the knife before spinning it over in her fingers and handing it back to her. [color=a187be]"No need, it is tarnished but that blade is pure silver. One of a set,"[/color] she said, giving Satilla bit of a wink before turning her attention to the others. Keystone seemed to be the other that wanted something worked on, gathering her things while she waited before taking the brass knuckles from him and the silver. [color=a187be]"Right, I'll take care of these. Want to see if they can work on my sword a bit as well. See you all shortly,"[/color] she said before heading out and making her way quickly through the town with Ash at her heels. The shops were open now and people were mulling about. Day time put them more at ease. It took a few questions to various people she passed but she eventually found the location of a smith. The smithy was a little more helpful than she had expected. Though he did not work with silvers and gold he did know the jeweler and began a consult with him to see what they could do to complete the task Kyra was putting in front of them. Both seemed happy to help. Maybe they were tired of waiting on the local constable to do something proactive about the situation. Sana climbed up on Epona after making some arrangements with the stable boy before heading out to find the local merchant. Normally she would have walked but she figured it was a good idea to let her mare stretch her legs for a time since she did not know how long it would be until she returned and she knew Epona hated being couped up but it was not like she could take the horse into the tower. The merchant was near the south gate of the town, a decent spot. Tying off her horse she wandered inside to see if she could gather a few items for the group before they headed out. In the Apothecary the old man from the night before was there, his shelves a bit more bare than the night before. "Well welcome to you," he said as Thomas entered. Listening to the young man he rubbed his chin a bit. "I do have the basics, minus the salt peter. Unfortunately that is something i do not carry. Too many women trying to keep their men folk faithful by using it," he said with a half hearted chuckle. Sighing his fingers drummed along the counter. "Mrs. Fritzgivens bought the last of it from a traveling band about a week ago, perhaps she has some she would be willing to part with? She lives two streets over and runs wax shop," he suggested. "No scarabs either I am afraid but fire beetles I do have!" he exclaimed before holding a finger up and excusing himself. "Just a moment, in the basement, I will be back post haste."