[img]http://www.wallpaperup.com/uploads/wallpapers/2013/04/23/78157/big_thumb_ace397796d47da155160cff23fc1b24e.jpg[/img] The Furiel Academy, a prestigious school located in the central island of the Custine Archipelago (which is controlled by Furiel) This place is like no other in the entire world as it does not only teach students the normal boring subjects as any other school, it also teaches them to control misterious objects known as "Soul Gear" What is a Soul Gear (SG)?: Soul Gear are objects that used to be normal in the begginig, maybe a sword, a piece of armor or even a hand mirror. This objetcs have one thing in common, they have all been passed from a person to another (maybe inside a clan, maybe not) and all of the owners had great affection for this particular object, so much that at some point the objects "get awareness of themseselves", they become a living thing that thinks and feels like humans, in fact they can even take an humanoid form. Soul Gears are supernatural beings, and so have powers (throwing thunder bolts, etc) that is why they are mostly used in wars, Custine is a neutral country that has repelled hundered of invations due tho the great amount of SG users they have and their training. Contract: When a SG decides to obey a human they form a contract, this contract takes the form of a magic circle located in any part of the human's body. Humans can make as many contracts as possible as long as the older SG's allow it( if the SG N°1 does not want to then SG N° can not make the contract and so the magic cicrcle does not appear) Contracts can be ended when: -The User or the SG dies -One of the sides decides to end the contract -The Sg is stolen throught a very specific ritual (has not been seen in hundred of years) The Archipelago and the Academy: The Academy is located in the main island, also works as the capital so it is common to see politicians coming and going through the place. The normal lessons take place in the main building. The other building are: -Dinning Building (they had so much people they had no build a place specifically for eating) -Dorms: Mostly used by those who are not from Custine as most of the custinian sutdents return home after class. -Clubs Building: Yeah, we got clubs. -The Great Library. -Training Fields: This is located in a sperated island and no one lives there. Character Sheet (USER): Anime appearance Name: Age: Biography Magic Circle, picture and location: Character Sheet (SOOUL GEAR): Human appearance Real form appearance Human Name: Real Name: Power: Biography (how they made the contract, did it have other users before? [b][u]WARNING: SG`s WILL NOT GET THEIR HUMAN FORM AND POWER BEFORE A CERTAIN POINT IN THE STORY[/u][/b] Academy Staff: [hider=Head Mistress] [img]http://ami.animecharactersdatabase.com/uploads/chars/11498-206031091.jpg[/img] Name: Irilia Age: People think she is like 13, she is actually 300 years old. Biography: Unknown SG: Unknown Power: Rainbow Catastrophe: This power has been seen only once. It is described that a multi-color beam which falls on the enemy, it simply disitegrates whatever it touches [/hider] [hider=Home Room Teacher of Group 1A] [img]http://www.anime-planet.com/images/characters/rou-shinpu-50854.jpg?t=1371576624[/img] Name: Tastalislao "Tata". He is too old to even rmemeber his Last Name Age: Over 100 for sure. Biography: He does not like to talk about his past, but it's known that he once was a great hero who defeated the mighty Demon Queen ViiSha SG: Unknow, probable the wooden cane he carries [hider=The Cane] [img]https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51a6bGNlQUL.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/hider]