[b]A Few Blocks Away From The Park?[/b] The woman had asked Ishido if he was seeing things... it sounded like the woman couldn't see the faint and pulsing pink light, or at least - Ishido assumed so. Ishido clutched his left eye for a moment, then closed both eyes for a few seconds... When he opened his eyes once more, the light was still there. "Am I seeing things...?" Ishido questioned, still clutching his eye. "So you can't see it? Then... are my eyes broken?" Ishido shook his head. "This is strange..." Ishido muttered to himself, then tried his best to ignore the pulsing pink light by navigating through the apps on his phone. Ishido was looking for an icon that looked like a map - and sure enough, he spotted one, which he immediately tapped. But the light still burned in the back of his mind... and shimmered in the corner of his eye. [i]'How can I see it, but she can't?!'[/i] Ishido thought to himself in confusion. [i]'She looked at where I saw the light... but she didn't seem to see it?!'[/i] Ishido lowered his phone and looked at the light once more, still shimmering. To Ishido, it sounded like a mere mirage... but it looked very real. "I'll be a moment. I just need to get a closer look at this light." Ishido spoke. "It's weird that you can't see it... but my eyes might just be broken..." Ishido began to pace towards the light, full of curiosity. Was the light a figment of Ishido's imagination, or was something wrong with his sight? That was a very real possibility to Ishido...