[center][h1][color=Steelblue][b]K E N I C H I[/b][/color][/h1] [h3][i][b]Point A > Nurse's Office[/b][/i][/h3][hr][/center] As Kenichi lay there, with his opponent cuddling against him in a way that was equal parts awkward, cute, and embarrassing, he finally started to get some feeling back in the arm he had used to block her last kick. Before making any attempt to move, however, he looked over at his other arm. No broken bones from what he could feel, because he could still flex each joint and he didn't see any protrusions or hear any grinding. There might be a few fractures, but he doubted it because if that had been the case the pain would have been much deeper. As it was, he would describe most of the pain as coming from "beneath the skin," like someone had opened him up, set a fire on the inside of his arm, and then closed it. That was probably the muscle strain, the overloaded nerves, and the broken blood vessels. Of the three the last one didn't really hurt, it just turned his entire arm a nasty shade of purple. Kind of like that wimp from UA. But, he could still move it somewhat, and his other arm was practically fine now, the pins-and-needles feeling of a sleeping limb fading out of it. Aside from the minor cuts on the purple arm and the split place on his forehead--which had slowed their bleeding considerably now that his heartrate was starting to calm down--he wasn't all that "wounded", just tired and beat up from all the crashing around. The blood stream over his eye had hardened, though, gluing it shut. As dusty and dirty as he was at the moment, wiping it off probably wouldn't help. As the rumbling of a car got closer, Kenichi's blood suddenly ran cold. Was that Alpha team coming back!? Could he fight off anyone else, with one arm and a blind spot? He still had to make sure his team won--since he was the one who was conscious, he hoped that meant Delta controlled Point A. The vehicle pulled up nearby and stopped. Kenichi braced himself. The best chance he had here was to do it fast before they noticed his weaknesses--if he pushed off with his good arm as hard as possible, he could launch himself up and do a handstand-kick, and if he hit the chin there was a chance he could get a knock-out... "Some battle you guys had, huh? Good job contesting the point though it’s bad that you are incapacitated." Yoshida-Sensei came into view, and Kenichi managed to push himself up a little bit, his wounded arm still good enough to hold Fumika up with him. "A girl did this to you?" the teacher said. The blue-haired boy bristled. "Oi, fighting her is like fighting a whole team at once." Kenichi said, as much in defiance of Fumika being "just a girl" as in defense of his own ability. But as the teacher picked the unconscious girl up and began applying first aid, the blue-hair pushed himself to his feet--and nearly fell back down before his wobbly legs stabilized--and started to follow the Hero, but something suddenly swept him up like he weighed nothing at all. L Guardian, not a name he'd heard too often--although they actually shared the same surname, but it must have just been a coincidence since it was like the 12th most common Japanese family name. So was his Quirk some form of Telekinesis or something else? He felt like maybe there had been something about it in some of the brochures and such Komei had sent to each student after their acceptance, but he hadn't paid a whole lot of attention to those. "I can still walk..." Kenichi grumbled indignantly, but at this point it looked like he was going to be taken out of the game entirely. Damn. He had wanted to fight as many of the other team as possible, but now it was going to look like he'd tried to be a lone wolf and gotten himself caught, just like Mamoru had tried to warn him-- Speak of the devil, the pinkette was here too! What had happened to her? Shouldn't that shield Quirk of hers meant that she'd be one of the last ones to go down? "Try not to take any of those deep breaths you like doing, there is a kid here who exhales dangerous gas." L Guardian warned as Kenichi was placed into the Jeep. "Kimoto-kun? Huh, that's four so far." Kenichi's look of concern changed to one of irritation as he looked back at the teacher. "Either we're way too gung-ho, or your stupid speech in the classroom put everybody way off their game, teach." he said bitterly. He covered his mouth with his good hand, but he could still feel the slight sting in his nose from the traces of Sen's gas just like back in the classroom. Hopefully between here and the nurse's office wouldn't be long enough for him to absorb too much of it. When he and Fumika had both been treated for the basics, the Jeep trundled off towards the entrance to the training ground. Kenichi took a closer look around at the others. Mamoru just looked like she'd been tossed around a bit and knocked out, though certainly not as much as Fumika. However...the fact that the shield girl was also unconscious was a little worrying. Fumika hadn't so much been knocked out as she had completely exhausted--it was more like she just fell asleep standing up. If Mamoru had taken some kind of blow to the head... It was the same thing for Sen, but he also had two cuts that looked [i]bad[/i], bleeding even through layers of bandaging. Who the hell had used a cutting weapon or Quirk like that on their classmate? Punches and kicks, maybe certain kinds of energy blasts, those could be controlled well enough to keep from maiming people, but who had thought it'd be a good idea to to use something so potentially lethal!? Kenichi fumed in silence for the rest of the trip, until they were handed over to the school nurse. Kenichi hadn't met her yet, so he looked her over while L Guardian's telekinesis or invisible man or whatever it was loaded them all up onto the transport stretchers. And needless to say she was an [i]eyeful.[/i] Kenichi turned away before his face could get red again, having had enough of that already with Fumika earlier. Kiwi let out a deep sigh, "It’s not as fun when the patients are unconscious." Kenichi felt a chill go down his spine as he turned to face her. "Oh, uh, I-I'm still...awake...?" He didn't like her grin. Or how she rubbed his head, her slender fingers running through his hair. Actually that part might have been nice if not for the absolute feeling of foreboding he had. Kenichi gulped audibly and desperately tried to keep his eyes from wandering. [hr] By the time they arrived at the nurse's office, Sen's gas had started to numb Kenichi's extremities, but otherwise he was already starting to feel better. He could probably go take on the whole other team by himself with no problems. Or just leave and go back to the classroom. He was totally fine. It had nothing to do with his ever growing fear and simultaneous arousal of the nurse at all. Honest. "I'll save you for last." She said, tapping Kenichi on the nose before putting on a hazmat suit to deal with Sen. At least the baggy orange material didn't show off how...bouncy...she was. And then Kenichi saw her Quirk and the inside of his head turned into a scene from Starship Troopers, the old American movie his dad had shown him one time and then never again. [i]BUGS! BIG ASS BUGS! BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGS![/i] Okay, so they weren't that big, and they had some kind of ability to reconstruct tissues and close up wounds. Still, though, it was just ever so slightly disconcerting. As he watched the others recover, though, Kenichi eased up a little. The nurse seemed to be able to figure out just what to do for each student, and as time passed it looked like everyone was going to make a full recovery in less than an hour. The blue-hair visibly sighed in relief when he saw how much better off Fumika was after the treatment--she was taking a while to wake up, like Mamoru, which had been bothering him. Then the nurse started towards him. Kenichi felt another chill run down...actually, wait, no. For some reason he felt kind of numb all over--[i]Aw crap, this is your fault Kimoto-kun![/i] He lay on the stretcher, his arms and legs refusing to respond to his brain. She leaned over him, her chest getting [i]really uncomfortably close[/i] and her hand hovering on his head. "I am going to need you to relax, sweetie." She grinned again. "I hope you’re not afraid of bugs" she said in a playfully sadistic voice. "At the moment? Yeah the bugs are a bit low on the list." he managed, the corner of his mouth and one eyebrow beginning to spasm. Just then the door opened suddenly, and the school secretary appeared with Lysander in tow. She spoke in a sing-song, slightly suspicious tone of voice, but it seemed like maybe she had possibly barged in for the sole purpose of not leaving the students alone with a nurse who clearly seemed to enjoy her work a little too much. Kenichi breathed a sigh of relief that he hoped wasn't too obvious.